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Seagull Mark VI

1,514 atgxtg  5.7 years ago
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Auto Credit Based on Zyvx's Infinite flyer X (no engine no fuel)

The Seagull is another no engine, no fuel, "infinite" flier. An ornithopter, it flies by flapping it's wings. It's not quite as fast or as easy to handle as the Domino, but still a decent flier.
To take off simply throttle up to start the wings flapping and wait for the vehicle to move forward fast enough to reach around 60 mph, then pull back on the stick to take off. It should take about 45 seconds for this to occur, during which time you will probably have to apply yaw to keep the vehicle straight down the runway. Note that you have to have your setting on High Physics for this to happen, otherwise it will just jump in place. You can speed up the take off time a little by pitching forward a little until you hit about 20 mph.

Once in the air it handles much like a light prop plane. It is stable enough to fly even without the gryo. The Seagull is a bit more birdlike than the Domino, and might be slightly more agile, thanks to it's birdlike tail, but it is a bit slower with a top speed of around 185 mph at low altitude.

The Seagull, like the bird it is named after, can go into the water and get out again, with the same lift off speed as on land, around 60 mph.

If you like the Seagull please give it a n upvote and a french fry.


  • Zyvx 5.7 years ago

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Infinite flyer X (no engine no fuel)
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 38.7ft (11.8m)
  • Length 27.1ft (8.3m)
  • Height 23.0ft (7.0m)
  • Empty Weight 2,656lbs (1,204kg)
  • Loaded Weight 2,656lbs (1,204kg)


  • Wing Loading 8.2lbs/ft2 (39.9kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 324.7ft2 (30.2m2)
  • Drag Points 1728


  • Number of Parts 49
  • Control Surfaces 7
  • Performance Cost 442
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    9,165 Zyvx

    Giving you a spotlight, I want more people to see your stuff.

    5.7 years ago
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    1,514 atgxtg

    Yeah. it's a fun concept. I think the really tricky bit will be getting the proper rotation and twist in the wing movement so that the wings can move forward and then downward, that creates more lift, produces less drag, and provides forward thrust.

    BTW, have you considered the possibility of using one of your flappers as a tail or fluke to propel a fish or boat? It wouldn't require air, so it could work while submerged.

    5.7 years ago
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    9,165 Zyvx

    Good job, looks like your having fun with this concept. It will be neat to see how far we can evolve these creations.

    5.7 years ago