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GH-10 Viera

41.4k MrVaultech  5.0 years ago
Auto Credit Based on MrVaultech's GH-10 Viera New

The GH-10 Viera, a manufacturing of Fortune, is a quick response air superiority fighter jet. Powered by 3 [Non-descript] jet engines, two in nacelles, and one in the central body.
Alongside the respectable speed and impressive takeoff rate of the craft, it comes armed with a large number of air-to-air missiles and autocannons, mounted under and in the wings respectively.

Predecessors say I should of uploaded this thing over a year ago, but I felt like I should of added more to it, then I ended up forgetting it existed, then a year later (and not even having flown it in like 10 months) I'm here at 11pm at night uploading a year old jet remake of a near 4 year old jet. Boy, do I have my life together.
Anyways, this jet is a bit fuel hungry, so restarting here and there, or Geatour's refuel mod would be really helpful.
I want to say I have an activation group for a parachute in this jet, but don't ask me which button it is.

Remake's design;
From version 2015/2016 to design 2018, there were many changes to the craft. A big one is the dropping of the mixed propulsion, and a completly different wing config.
Add onto the design an actual livery for the craft, being of [Insert Normatican Air Wing stuff eventually] with new matching insignia of the Normatican Air Force.
The downside of the plane being solely jet now, is it's serious fuel intake. I recall ir being 80% through with it's tank shortly after takeoff, but I'm not 100% with that memory.
Regardless, I did add 10 underslung missiles, an I think 2 autocannons (which are really just a mod of the Mk 108 30mms I always use) for offense armorments. Pretty fast plane, but obviously not the fastest. To fix that, I gave it flares, and a parachute for fun manouvers and crazy fireworks.

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor GH-10 Viera New
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 42.7ft (13.0m)
  • Length 48.7ft (14.8m)
  • Height 9.5ft (2.9m)
  • Empty Weight 14,785lbs (6,706kg)
  • Loaded Weight 17,568lbs (7,968kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 2.302
  • Wing Loading 46.6lbs/ft2 (227.7kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 376.7ft2 (35.0m2)
  • Drag Points 5399


  • Number of Parts 214
  • Control Surfaces 4
  • Performance Cost 826