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SR71 Blackbird Update

329 simpro  9.2 years ago
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60%-67% cruise speed in the air. Cosmetic changes from previous SR71..a very challenging plane but landing it is possible..heavy on fuel consumption. you are good for one landing...many parts involved..its a better design from many models design...let her rip down the runway off the land to the air by a gental pitch up by right stick down..flies like the previous post..100% across the runway can lift the SR71.. use the flaps after the SR leaves the will fly as soon it is not on land...this aircraft was not easy to design matching it against the real SR71..but its not bad compared to my previous attempts...flies well..on my low settings but other downloaders mentioned medium around the settings..i chose low due to my phone's capabilities..awesome aircraft with a lot of parts...sorry for that..thanks..much better look from my previous..thanks..very challenging to land but it's possible...there are two versions..its basically it's the downloaders preference..master yaw and banking..makes it easy at 50%-40% near runway at a low speed. At 25% for landing..keep playing with the flap and pitching up at a time and BAM...takes practice..

General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 37.5ft (11.4m)
  • Length 58.9ft (18.0m)
  • Height 11.4ft (3.5m)
  • Empty Weight 27,072lbs (12,280kg)
  • Loaded Weight 31,112lbs (14,112kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 3.105
  • Wing Loading 92.0lbs/ft2 (449.3kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 338.1ft2 (31.4m2)
  • Drag Points 11155


  • Number of Parts 508
  • Control Surfaces 6
  • Performance Cost 938