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Super EZ take off flyer (no engine no fuel)

9,165 Zyvx  5.7 years ago
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Auto Credit Based on Zyvx's Infinite flapper attack (no engine no fuel)

A major improvement over last version. to take off adjust trim so the wheels are all the way forward, in front of nose. quickly slide trim to neutral, wheels are straight down. you should be moving forward very slowly now. vtol all the way forward for flapping wings. the speed will pick up. pull up after it passes 60 mph. adjust trim for max lift, wheels will go under tail wings. by this time it will climb in altitude. If you go above 5000 ft it will cruise at 200mph. This flyer can take off from any downhill roll too, so you can land anywhere that has some rolling space. enjoy

General Characteristics


  • Wing Loading 6.8lbs/ft2 (33.3kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 307.8ft2 (28.6m2)
  • Drag Points 1417


  • Number of Parts 42
  • Control Surfaces 5
  • Performance Cost 353