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UFO FINISHED with Air to air instant locking infernos

973 GeneralWilbur  3.7 years ago
Auto Credit Based on GeneralWilbur's UFO with Air to air instant locking infernos

This is not my original creation. This was an aircraft made by somebody else 5 years ago, i decided to revamp it with some of the latest equiptment. Since aliens are aliens, they have instant locking air to air inferno missiles, AG1 is the lights, AG2 is the auto stabilizer. it flies better without the stabiliser when not in vtol mode and can be flown very well in v tol mode without the stabilizer. vtol forward is to go forward and vtol back is to fly backwards, it has more fuel and feel free to remake this creation in to anything you want. this is the finished one

General Characteristics


  • Power/Weight Ratio 1.724
  • Wing Loading 22.1lbs/ft2 (108.0kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 1,060.1ft2 (98.5m2)
  • Drag Points 16800


  • Number of Parts 345
  • Control Surfaces 8
  • Performance Cost 1,099