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SP Aircraft SP-45-110 "Stormchaser"

8,995 SPAircraftOfficial  one year ago
Auto Credit Based on Aarav's ~World Dominancy Challenge~

Classification: Carrier based cannon attacker!

Lore (ai generated):

In the annals of aviation history, amidst the tumultuous era of World War II, a legendary naval attack aircraft emerged, known as the SP Aircraft SP-45-100. Designed by Schneider and Packendorff, renowned engineers, the SP-45-100 became an iconic symbol of the Navy.
Affectionately nicknamed the "Stormchaser," this formidable aircraft embodied the spirit of the Allied forces, boasting exceptional capabilities for both ground attack and bomber interception. Its sleek, streamlined design housed a single-seat cockpit, offering a daring pilot an intimate connection with the aircraft, crucial for executing daring maneuvers with utmost precision.
The Stormchaser's armament was nothing short of awe-inspiring. It was equipped with four 20mm Autocannons, allowing it to deliver a devastating barrage of fire upon enemy targets. Complementing these cannons were four machine guns, further enhancing its firepower and providing relentless strafing capability. To strike at distant adversaries and fortified positions, the aircraft featured a fearsome 76mm gun mounted in the nose, accompanied by an innovative autoloader system to ensure a continuous barrage against ground targets.
The Stormchaser's dual-engine configuration ensured optimal power and maneuverability, enabling it to swiftly traverse the skies with agility. This trait proved invaluable when intercepting enemy bombers, as the Skyhound excelled in the role of a "bomber hunter." Its formidable armament, coupled with its speed and maneuverability, allowed it to engage and neutralize medium and heavy bombers before they could unleash their deadly payloads upon Allied forces.
However, it was on the ground that the Stormchaser truly distinguished itself. Tasked with ground attack missions, it devastated enemy positions with remarkable precision. From obliterating enemy tanks and armored vehicles to demolishing fortified structures, the Stormchaser's capabilities proved indispensable in supporting ground forces and turning the tide of battles.

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General Characteristics

  • Predecessor ~World Dominancy Challenge~
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 49.5ft (15.1m)
  • Length 52.5ft (16.0m)
  • Height 12.3ft (3.8m)
  • Empty Weight 8,190lbs (3,715kg)
  • Loaded Weight 13,075lbs (5,931kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.688
  • Wing Loading 30.4lbs/ft2 (148.5kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 429.9ft2 (39.9m2)
  • Drag Points 6070


  • Number of Parts 119
  • Control Surfaces 11
  • Performance Cost 727