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Eternal Wind Rocket Assisted Glider

19.3k TTHHSSSS  7.9 years ago
Auto Credit Based on TTHHSSSS's Eternal Wind - Inspired by Zed (Ccooper)

This is a v2 of my eternal wind glider. I wanted a way to get really high and glide, and also a way to take off and then glide later, so I added an rocket-pod take-off assister. It works perfectly to get the glider anywhere I want it! Just drop them with ag2 and 3, and you're set to glide away! Act1 to start rockets. Enjoy and please upvote! Also, many thanks and full credit to boxcarpuppy for the rocket pods that power the takeoff car, they are really awesome! Check out his other glider w which inspired me to make a rocket powered glider: less

General Characteristics


  • Wing Loading 22.7lbs/ft2 (110.8kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 153.7ft2 (14.3m2)
  • Drag Points 2155


  • Number of Parts 63
  • Control Surfaces 7
  • Performance Cost 346