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Arkon-631 ''Overseer''

609 Zethine07  2.0 years ago

AKN 631 , A Unique mix of Airborne launcher and Variable sweep. The craft can fly in a straight line through the use of a special Gravity generator , which stabilizes the craft on a perfect plane , allowing it to deploy the 2 gliders it carries without crashing or falling into the ocean.

Using a modified matrix , the Krav generator generates a field around the craft which aligns it on a perfect plane to allow for better deployment of its gliders without the risk of causing its gliders to freefall. This way it can use its gliders as scouts or expendable attack craft , stabilizing itself before deploying them and preventing general complications with the gliders deployment

The Vehicle also uses the same attack matrix the Kitz has , keeping the same firepower and deadliness in the event of enemy intervention

NOTE : The green lights and the spinny icon are meant to tell you if the gyro is on or not. Had an idea for a variable sweep craft , made this and it worked beautifully
SECOND NOTE : Reposted so i could implement some final changes and fixes

General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 64.7ft (19.7m)
  • Length 32.4ft (9.9m)
  • Height 7.6ft (2.3m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 7,941lbs (3,602kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 4.244
  • Wing Loading 24.0lbs/ft2 (117.1kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 331.0ft2 (30.8m2)
  • Drag Points 1913


  • Number of Parts 145
  • Control Surfaces 20
  • Performance Cost 709