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Borodansk Type-32

21.9k lewishasnoiq  1.9 years ago
Auto Credit Based on lewishasnoiq's The Terona Crisis

"But from the taiga to the British seas, the Red Army is the strongest of all!"

Soviet Inspired Tank, more Specifically the T-54

Auto Aim Turret Code Here kinda scuffed but it gets the job done

Didn't bother to add gun depression or elevation, too lazy to do that.


Countermeasures: Smoke


Developed way before the crisis, the Type-32 is a Shenoan design created for the sole purpose of mass use, with an auto loader and a small profile, the Type-32 was effective... for a short period of time only. After the nation of Terona was freed from Shenoa, exactly 532 Type-32s were left in the nation and forgotten. After several upgrades to the tank, the Type-32 was put into service by the Teronan Military for "defensive purposes", by defensive purposes they meant ethnic cle- [This was Censored by the National Teronan Television Services]

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor The Terona Crisis
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 10.7ft (3.3m)
  • Length 28.9ft (8.8m)
  • Height 8.7ft (2.6m)
  • Empty Weight 13,349lbs (6,055kg)
  • Loaded Weight 13,615lbs (6,175kg)


  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 5898


  • Number of Parts 73
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 471