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1998 DAIHATSU Truck - Simple County Crowd Control Unit

3,005 dabestsock  24 days ago

The 1998 Daihatsu Truck - Simple County Crowd Control Unit

In the heart of the United Simple, a small, picturesque nation known for its peaceful towns and close-knit communities, lies Simple County. For years, Simple County was a quiet region where life moved at a leisurely pace, but as the country grew, so did the size of public events. The annual Simple County Fair, once a modest gathering of local farmers and artisans, had evolved into a bustling event that drew crowds from all corners of the nation.

The increasing attendance at the fair presented new challenges for the local authorities. The Simple County Sheriff’s Department, led by the pragmatic Sheriff Ellen Brooks, recognized the need for a vehicle that could effectively manage large crowds while navigating the fairgrounds' narrow paths. The department's existing vehicles were too cumbersome, and foot patrols were insufficient for the task at hand.

Enter the 1998 Daihatsu Truck. Originally used by a local delivery service, the truck had been retired and was collecting dust in the county's vehicle lot. Sheriff Brooks saw potential in the compact, sturdy vehicle and decided to repurpose it into a specialized crowd control unit. With a limited budget and a tight timeline, she enlisted the help of Roy Mason, a retired mechanic with a knack for creative problem-solving.

Roy set to work transforming the humble Daihatsu into the Simple County Crowd Control Unit. He began by reinforcing the truck’s chassis and adding a custom front bumper designed to withstand the rigors of navigating through dense crowds. Understanding the importance of visibility, Roy installed high-intensity LED light bars on the roof and front of the truck, ensuring it could be easily spotted from afar, even in low light conditions.

The truck’s exterior was painted a striking shade of blue, emblazoned with "Simple County Crowd Control Unit" in bold, white letters along the sides. A spare tire was mounted on the hood, giving the truck a rugged, ready-for-anything appearance. Inside, Roy outfitted the vehicle with an advanced communication system, allowing officers to stay in constant contact with the command center, and ensuring a coordinated response to any incidents.

When the next Simple County Fair arrived, the new crowd control unit made its debut. Sheriff Brooks and her team were thrilled with its performance. The truck's compact size and enhanced maneuverability allowed them to efficiently patrol the fairgrounds, while the bright lights and clear markings ensured they were always visible to the public. The communication system proved invaluable, enabling quick responses to any emerging situations and keeping the fair running smoothly.

The Simple County Crowd Control Unit quickly became a beloved fixture at all major events in the county. Its presence not only helped maintain order but also served as a symbol of the community’s ingenuity and resourcefulness. The truck, once a forgotten relic, was now a vital tool in ensuring the safety and enjoyment of Simple County’s residents and visitors alike.

Over time, the story of the 1998 Daihatsu Truck spread throughout the United Simple, inspiring other counties to innovate with their resources. In Simple County, the truck remains a testament to what can be achieved with creativity, dedication, and a commitment to serving the community.

General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 6.7ft (2.0m)
  • Length 9.8ft (3.0m)
  • Height 5.7ft (1.7m)
  • Empty Weight 9,115lbs (4,134kg)
  • Loaded Weight 9,224lbs (4,184kg)


  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 1502


  • Number of Parts 342
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 1,238