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RT-262A-R cockpit

1,736 Jetmaker  4 months ago
Auto Credit Based on Jetmaker's RT-262A-R cockpit

Sorry if the photo quallity is bad. RT-262 is an Me-262 copy but I improve the design to my way with radar. Also I’m pretty sure the Me-262 post are pretty common but not a Radar 262 if I recall, right? Also i made a report for it woth some help.


General Characteristics

  • Predecessor RT-262A-R cockpit
  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 35.7ft (10.9m)
  • Length 35.7ft (10.9m)
  • Height 12.2ft (3.7m)
  • Empty Weight 7,514lbs (3,408kg)
  • Loaded Weight 10,950lbs (4,967kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 1.693
  • Wing Loading 35.5lbs/ft2 (173.1kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 308.8ft2 (28.7m2)
  • Drag Points 1691


  • Number of Parts 164
  • Control Surfaces 7
  • Performance Cost 679
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    1,736 Jetmaker

    Report on the Development of RT-262A-R Radar Variant

    Prepared by Lead Evaluator

    Executive Summary:

    In the conclusive phase of RT-262A-R development, a comprehensive evaluation was undertaken to assess its advancements over the base RT-262 model. This report provides an intricate analysis of the aircraft's capabilities, with a primary focus on the integration of a new nose radar and the strategic relocation of wing-mounted guns.

    Performance Overview:

    The incorporation of the nose radar emerged as a pivotal enhancement, significantly bolstering the aircraft's overall effectiveness. Detailed reports highlighted the radar's positive influence on situational awareness, contributing substantively to combat proficiency. The judicious placement of guns on the wings complemented the radar system, resulting in a commendable augmentation of the aircraft's combat capabilities.

    Drawbacks and Challenges:

    Despite the evident advancements, critical observations were made regarding the rearrangement of armaments. Pilot feedback indicated concerns about potential compromises in accuracy due to the altered gun placement. This underscores the intricate balance required between innovation and practical considerations, emphasizing the need for refined design iterations.

    Speed and Combat Effectiveness:

    During rigorous test flights, the RT-262A-R demonstrated an impressive maximum speed of around 530mph, marking a significant milestone in aviation capabilities. This heightened speed, coupled with enhanced combat effectiveness, positions the aircraft as a formidable asset on the battlefield. The intersection of speed and combat proficiency amplifies its strategic value, aligning seamlessly with evolving warfare requirements.

    Authoritative Assessment:

    Authored by Lead Evaluator, a distinguished aviation expert renowned for meticulous evaluations, this report encapsulates the essence of aviation advancements during a transformative period. The authoritative examination lends credibility to the findings, symbolizing an unwavering commitment to excellence in aviation evaluation.
    In conclusion, the RT-262A-R, with its innovative radar integration and strategic gun placement, signifies a commendable leap forward in aviation technology. This report serves as a testament to the thorough evaluation conducted during the development phase, laying a solid foundation for future advancements in aerial warfare capabilities.

    End report

    Pinned 4 months ago