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7,775 Karzigg  5.6 years ago
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Auto Credit Based on AviownCorp's Aviown-174/PF "MUCHTANDE"

Here's one of the only aircraft in the SDF Air Division


In 2300 the SDFIAD needed a Aircraft and at the time the aged Stalingrad Guardianship was 70 years old and needed a extra aircraft to defend Stalingrad so in 2300 SDFIAD called the designer of the Guardianship and made him build a new aircraft so within a year the Winter came out 383 aircraft were made but the cockpit was made really strange and it had a really ridicules Engine a V20 wich was made specifically for it and it had contra rotating props and a armament of 3 machine guns each was a 30 Caliber but the middle was a 31 Caliber wich was made for the winter but it sucked because a lot of times it jammed beyond fix and had to be replaced entirely and it had a under inlet wich also caused problems but in the end it was made as a fighter and not to mention to the crappy radar antenna on the wing barely worked and was really slow and unreliable but they thought it was fine and kept it in the end it went on to see major battles against ITN forces all over Russia in the great conflict but would fail when Stalingrad fell to FL forces in 2662

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Aviown-174/PF "MUCHTANDE"
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 36.6ft (11.2m)
  • Length 33.2ft (10.1m)
  • Height 11.6ft (3.5m)
  • Empty Weight 6,577lbs (2,983kg)
  • Loaded Weight 7,849lbs (3,560kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.509
  • Wing Loading 27.6lbs/ft2 (134.5kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 284.9ft2 (26.5m2)
  • Drag Points 2018


  • Number of Parts 63
  • Control Surfaces 7
  • Performance Cost 377