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3,015 KM13  one year ago
Auto Credit Based on L0RR3B0RR3's Lockheed F-104A Starfighter

For land-based mobile friendly version of F104 primer plus, refer to:

This is two aircrafts, and P51 only helps to takeoff.

General instructions:
AG1: Short runway FCS takeoff mode. Do not forget to open flap when AG1 is on. You should takeoff with AG1 on when you want to use it on aircraft carrier with a deck of 150m length without catapault.

AG2: AGCAS Automatic ground collision avoidance system.

AG3: Release arrest hook and enter aircraft carrier automatic landing mode, you need a little bit trimming while landing at different weight, the correct landing speed is about 400-450kmph, the correct altitude is 100m each 1.1km from aircraft carrier. Recommended using pilot cockpit sight. You need full flap controlled by VTOL and different trimming on different weight by slightly adjust the flaps by VTOL. Do not activate group 2 AGCAS while landing.
When you land on land airport, you should also activate group 3 to control semi-automatically. You should use rerverse flap controlled by VTOL to decend or decrease altitude in a fixed angle, and finally return to the full flap when you are about to hit the ground, the correct altitude is also 100m per 1.1km from the airport.

AG4: Fold the wings of the aircraft carrier based aircraft.

AG5: Open rocket bay to activate air-to-air rockets.

AG6: Autopilot helps to aim at the target plus autothrottle at best speed, but consume too much fuel.

AG7:Disconnect the P51 turbolifter after takeoff at 1000m altitude and 330-370kmph speed, less than 30 percent throttle and level slow flight.

AG8: Activate 360-degree retractable 7.62mm minigun system. more than 12000 rounds per minute each side.
So large trimming force that you could even sustainably turn the plane only by trimming the plane at mach 0.9. Superiority sustainable turning at M0.9 for 15deg per second. Very outstanding roll performance. Enabling to defend AIM9 or AIM120 air-to-air rocket in reality. Enemy would be hit within 2 kilometers away from the aircraft.
Afterburner on after 63 percentage throttle.

Main armament: 4 AIM-7R


VTOL for flaps

Flaps: 50%
Pitch up: 300km/h

Flaps: 100%
Trottle: 5%
Speed: 400-450km/h
Touchedown speed:h 400-450km/h
Remember to activate AG3 before landing

Designed for 20000-ton light aircraft carriers with 200m deck and short or no catapault, Naval STOL aircraft-carrier-based cheap light stealth fighter project. To takeoff without catapault from 150m deck, and because of the shortcomings of small wing area, the aircraft-carrier-based version could attach a reworked SP51 ANTISUBMARINE plus airborne early warning cruise plane to help it for an extra short runway takeoff on its back. Deconnect the P51 turbolifter after takeoff at 1000m altitude and 330-370kmph speed, less than 30 percent throttle and level slow flight. Do not pitch upwards when releasing SP51, or you will collide with it.

It is calculated that the maximum G force of P51 is 6G, which is enough to help F104 for STOL short runway takeoff on aircraft carriers without catapault with a deck of 150m length. About 2 F104 naval plus share one P51 to help the takeoff. It should be installed on the back of F104 promer plus on the aircraft carrier by cranes.

F104 Stealth project aims at an extremely cheap very light stealth multipurpose aircraft for poor countries, or in less materials, cheaper price and mass production for larger countries. Equipped with a single RM8 ENGINE with thrust 112kN or a single F100 or F110 engine, It might become the lightest stealth fighter in the world, which might be very ideal for small countries to protect themselves without expensive heavy fighters. With the help of rearranged locations of wings and canards, plus new digital flight control systems, this plane is much safer and easier to control than original F104 nicknamed Widowmaker. Two stealth rocket pods are at the end s of the primary wings.
Speed M0.9 at sea level for sustained flight, speed M1.2 in diving at sea level is pretty safe.
M1.8 at 12000m, the same speed as SAAB 37.
Roll rate more than 360 degrees per second at 600kmph.

Its advantages in combat is mainly on very fast acceleration, very high climb rate, as well as high sustained turning about 16 degrees per second at 900kmph. Thanks to its high wing loading, the plane is extremely strong while diving and could reach and maintain a very terrifying speed.

However, when you are landing, you must change FCS flight control system control mode.

Its range is not fine, which is only about 1200km in normal fight. So please save fuel and please do not throttle to more than 63 percent throttle too often.
Its total fuel plus the wing-end pod is 4200L only, however this also is a little bit better than original F104.

For naval aircraft-carrier-based turbo P51 takeoff helper plus attacker and EW aircraft version, refer to:

For newer version of it, refer to:

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Lockheed F-104A Starfighter
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 38.9ft (11.9m)
  • Length 57.6ft (17.5m)
  • Height 20.8ft (6.3m)
  • Empty Weight 28,291lbs (12,832kg)
  • Loaded Weight 37,080lbs (16,819kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.666
  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.051
  • Wing Loading 52.6lbs/ft2 (257.0kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 704.3ft2 (65.4m2)
  • Drag Points 4697


  • Number of Parts 530
  • Control Surfaces 23
  • Performance Cost 3,416
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  • Profile image
    3,015 KM13

    @5cmPak38aufPzKpfwIISfl901 Oh, these are two aircrafts, and the P51 only helps to takeoff.

    one year ago
  • Profile image
    3,015 KM13

    @5cmPak38aufPzKpfwIISfl901 hah hah, P51 turbolifter only helps takeoff without catapault on aircraft carriers with 150m deck, and it shall be disconnected by AG7 after takeoff.

    one year ago
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    this is an aircraft

    one year ago