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KV Armstaed model 10-200 1990

13.3k ThatRandomCouchPotato  9 months ago
Auto Credit Based on ThatRandomCouchPotato's KV Armstead model-200 1979


history of the KV Armstaed (it’s a long one)
other Variants

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Hello, and welcome aboard the Armsaed 10-200, service from YNV to HRZ. Todays flight time should be around the 3-hour mark. We hope you enjoy the flight.

About the 10-200

Founded in 1958, the Kralinao Valkcilshov Co. was a quick success after launching the early M-25 and VCR-500. But after the launch of the D-01, their quick popularity went into shadow.

After the market asked for a longer- ranged, less passenger version, KV came up with a competitor: the Armsaed 10, named after the city it was built in was a quickly adopted idea and became a reality after 7 years of planning in 1990. The 10-200 was a great success after selling over 3000 units in just the first year with a capacity of 100-110. In 1992, KV boldened their step in launching the larger Cargo variant to compete with the P2F D-01, and sat back and watched the competition. But then, in 2006, after the launch of the D-02, KV decided to up their game, creating the 10-300er, a larger, longer-range variant with 185-197 passengers to compete with it and the E-jet 1000.

5 days later, the company disappeared, no one knows what happened, but it dissolved overnight after being bought out by the massive Mocholv Vil airline company to eliminate any threat to their upcoming Mv-350.
After 48 years, the Kv Co. had sold and incredulous 12,970 10-200’s and 387 10-300er’s, along with nearly 2000 Cargo variants.

Hope you enjoyed the messy and rushed lore, here are some pictures and variants:




10-300er Ilkanov Airways
Low part version (no inside)

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor KV Armstead model-200 1979
  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 92.2ft (28.1m)
  • Length 114.3ft (34.8m)
  • Height 31.9ft (9.7m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 39,841lbs (18,071kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 2.369
  • Wing Loading 146.5lbs/ft2 (715.4kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 271.9ft2 (25.3m2)
  • Drag Points 30879


  • Number of Parts 351
  • Control Surfaces 7
  • Performance Cost 2,039