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XF-39A Lindworm [Area 51 Challenge Entry]

18.8k Thelegitpilot13  4.8 years ago

A small tailless fighter prototype capable of supermaneverability and supercruise. Also called the “Tiny Wyvern”. Armed with a “Jäger” TLS and a new “Dragon’s Breath” TLS extension, this craft takes out even the toughest enemies at the furthest ranges. Some inspiration from the X-02, but mainly my own mini fighter design.

1 - Landing Lights
2 - “Dragon’s Breath” TLS (VTOL UP to deploy)
7 - Thrust Vectoring
8 - “Aggravator” Lights

1x “Jäger” TLS
2x “Dragon’s Breath” TLS

Fictional Backstory:
The XF-39A Lindworm is a joint fighter program between the U.S.A.F. and the Luftwaffe. Germany had fallen under hard times economically, and needed a new 5th Gen fighter. They asked the U.S. to make a prototype and test it with German scientists for them, due to them being good allies. The U.S. accepted the offer, on the grounds that they would be given TLS technology, and began work in the early 2010’s. Testing began at Area 51, the most secret military base in the world. A prototype was constructed in the mid 2010’s, and flight testing began. It didn’t take long for people to notice the craft, which at night would have red and white lights on around the craft to measure data, as well as mess with the towns nearby (the engineers found this extremely funny, as they would often get calls of aliens anyways). But on September 20, 2019, Area 51 was raided while the prototype was in its final stages, and was armed with the new Tactical Laser Systems; the “Jäger” TLS from Germany, and the “Dragon’s Breath” TLS Extension from America. It did not take part in the raid, as it was still being retrofitted with new avionics, but it was revealed to the public shortly after the raid succeeded. Germany ultimately had to complete testing on their own, falling more into debt, but the Luftwaffe greatly appreciated the help from the Americans, and then went into service in the early 2020’s. In combat, it proved very useful. While the lack of missiles in the original were not looked greatly upon, but with it being armed with 3 TLS modules, it was deemed a worthy sacrifice to make due to the firepower it can produce.

Unit Price:

Notes on the Aircraft:
As a tailless fighter, it does not have a yaw control surface, but instead has yaw thrust vectoring to control it. It also is a bit unstable, but nothing that you can’t recover from. As an experimental craft, it’s much smaller than the final model, therefore not having that much fuel for flight time. Try not to run out, but if you do, it can glide for a bit.

This plane also follows the paint scheme for the Area 51 sign, because I didn’t want to change it too much. Feel free to make different paint schemes and liveries for it!


General Characteristics

  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 42.0ft (12.8m)
  • Length 46.6ft (14.2m)
  • Height 11.6ft (3.5m)
  • Empty Weight 35,397lbs (16,056kg)
  • Loaded Weight 43,894lbs (19,910kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 3.071
  • Wing Loading 94.3lbs/ft2 (460.4kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 465.5ft2 (43.3m2)
  • Drag Points 5759


  • Number of Parts 120
  • Control Surfaces 6
  • Performance Cost 839
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    @Alta2809 See my comment on the F/A-18E. I just spent time on this. It took about a day-a couple days to make this

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    13.9k Kangy

    Once again iOS... how?

    4.7 years ago