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RNPN deployer CV

14.9k TemporaryReplacement  2.1 years ago
Auto Credit Based on TemporaryReplacement's Liberation class CL (RNPN Liberation)

Third version of my damn LNP-5

The ship


The RNPN Deployer (LNP-05) was an aircraft carrier built off a “heavily” modified hull of a Liberation class light cruiser, specifically made to keep up with the fleet, as well as to strike land-based targets. Only the lead ship, Deployer, finished construction before the end of the war, partly because of the increased funds towards the Linbolnt subclass. The ship was lightly armored, and carried less aircraft than other carriers at the time, so until the 1946 refit, she was classified as a light carrier. RNPN Deployer could carry about 12 modified Navy F.T.R.C. 62 dive bombers (3 on deck) and 15 F.T.R.C. (Uh, future plane) fighter aircraft. Torpedo bombers were not prioritized. The ship overall would serve until 1949, with a fairly successful track record. It would retire, and escape being scrapped once enough funds were made to turn her into a museum ship.

She goes fast, can defend her self, isn’t the most maneuverable, and has 3 bombers that can actually bomb stuff

Or in other words: Quick modification of my last build






  • The 5inch gun is pretty accurate, but the flak fuse stops it from hitting most things like other ships. So you can just remove the fuseInput if you want.

  • ok I can’t think of anything else

Ship controls

Ag8- turn on engine controls

All carrier guns are on by default, but the 5inch gun will automatically turn off if the selected target is at an angle where it can’t shoot at it. (so it doesn’t break)


The aircraft

No history for these, literally just aircraft with the lowest part count I could get made for this build. After a painfully long amount of time trying to get them to fly decently, they actually turned out pretty good.

Bomber controls

Plane 1: Ag1- launch Ag2- drop bomb
Plane 2: Ag3- launch Ag4- drop bomb
Plane 3: Ag5- launch Ag6- drop bomb

Turn off the Ag that launches each plane after taking off to turn on a gyro if you want to try fly in formation, or have all aircraft up while using one plane at at time to attack a target or something.

(remember to put gear down before launching another aircraft, if it isnt already)






  • It IS possible to land because of the air brake on each plane, but it’s hard. Very hard.

  • Planes are a bit “hyperactive” but you’ll get used to them… probably. Now go harass the AI :)





Rip (2)


General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Liberation class CL (RNPN Liberation)
  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 56.7ft (17.3m)
  • Length 319.6ft (97.4m)
  • Height 82.0ft (25.0m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 53,466lbs (24,252kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.22
  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.224
  • Wing Loading 142.4lbs/ft2 (695.4kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 375.4ft2 (34.9m2)
  • Drag Points 46120


  • Number of Parts 269
  • Control Surfaces 15
  • Performance Cost 1,406
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  • Profile image

    This is suprisingly good it has auto aiming guns and a working bombers best aircraft carrier i have used before

    1.3 years ago
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    Its make my game hang how do i fix this?

    2.1 years ago
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    165 Mrkopro46

    This is cool

    +1 2.1 years ago