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Scout Suria

1,062 TheThirdUnionRepublic  4.8 years ago

So how should we put this... Alright. Meet Regal, a former T.U.R.A fighter jet pilot, He used to pilot the Suria 2, he's a real top gun during the Cold War. Ever since the Cold War ended, Regal decided to resign, and worked as an office worker peacefully. The end? No, not at all. Retired Suria 1 and 2 were auctioned off to the public. Of course, we dont't want civillians zooming around with rockets and shooting right? That's why the guns and rockets were stripped off of the jets, but the engine remained intact, why? Flying these for once cost like, almost a fortune, and most civillians can't afford it, so we leaved it there. Not sure if it should be a huge mistake or not, guess who made it into the headlines; Regal. Yes, Regal the former fighter jet pilot, made this. Reports sags Regal purchased a Tribe Scout as his daily drive, after his retirement as an office worker, he decided to do something, special. You see, Regal back then wanted to be an inventor, now he is. First, he bought a retired Suria 2 from the public auction, he then cut the jet into pieces. What he did, was attaching the wings to the side of his vehicle, the front of the Suria, welded into the front of his Scout, and the jet part if the plane, attached to the back of the Scout. In order to reduce weight,he stripped the two back seats and removed the back of tbe Scout, gotta say it worked a lot. But, where didhe got the money from obtaining the fuel for the jets? It seems like he got financial support from his family. What's next? He flew the vehicle into the air. It worked! It flew for quite some time, until it caught the attention of some law enforcers on the ground. After the vehicle landed, the law enforcers were impressed about it, it was a really high-tech invention during that time which could change the Third Union, the news got to the leader, instead of sending Regal to jail for ig, Regal was awarded with a medal for his creativity. Regal still probably went on doing his inventing or someth

General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 46.9ft (14.3m)
  • Length 42.2ft (12.9m)
  • Height 18.8ft (5.7m)
  • Empty Weight 16,085lbs (7,296kg)
  • Loaded Weight 21,860lbs (9,915kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 1.028
  • Wing Loading 61.4lbs/ft2 (299.9kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 355.9ft2 (33.1m2)
  • Drag Points 8772


  • Number of Parts 125
  • Control Surfaces 5
  • Performance Cost 622