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Night Stalker

4,536 Phenex  5.7 years ago

The FA-119 Night Stalker is an advanced multi-role fighter capable of performing both Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground missions. It comes armed with advanced guns that do not require any cool downs, making it possible for a continuous strafing run. The missile complement is 32 advance Interceptor missiles for Air-to-Air combat; 24 advanced Inferno missiles and 4 advanced Cleaver missiles for Air-to-Ground attacks. The cockpit is completely custom made and includes working gauges for throttle, landing gear position, roll, pitch, yaw, trim, VTOL, ADI, and non-working radar. All controls are custom to include throttle lever, fighter yoke, and rudder pedals with brakes. There are switches for all Activation groups and a landing gear lever. The yoke features a working trigger for firing guns and a working button on the top for firing missiles. The last big feature in the cockpit is a rocket powered ejection seat, thanks to a plane built by @denialofservice that was rocket powered. The plane itself features custom landing gear with wheel wells, two weapon bays, and a unique shape. I hope you all enjoy the plane. I will upload the cockpit separately just in case anyone else is interested in using it. Please let me know what you think.

Flight controls are all normal
Speed brakes – VTOL Down

Activation Groups:
AG1 – Guns
AG2 – Air-to-Air Missiles
AG3 – Air-to-Ground Missiles
AG4 – Lights – except for wheel well they are controls by landing gear up or down
AG5 – Open Canopy
AG6 – Ejection seat and canopy
AG7 – Drop rockets from seat and deploy parachute, just don't do this until you start to lose altitude.
AG8- Not really used except for gyro in ejection seat – recommend to always leave on


General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 47.4ft (14.4m)
  • Length 54.2ft (16.5m)
  • Height 8.5ft (2.6m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 16,874lbs (7,654kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 1.331
  • Wing Loading 18.3lbs/ft2 (89.2kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 923.7ft2 (85.8m2)
  • Drag Points 5189


  • Number of Parts 474
  • Control Surfaces 10
  • Performance Cost 2,914