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7,325 WarringMunky  4.4 years ago
Auto Credit Based on WarringMunky's toostrongfliesgoood.1

I took a funky early plane of mine toostrongfliesgoood.1 (that was just the filename I had for it) and made it into a bomber. There is an important operational instruction for Activate1.


"All" AG Group: Taxiing engine, all bombs and missiles, countermeasures group 1.

1: Wing rotators. Activate 1 after you lift off. The main wings are set at an angle of 2.5° in order to get off the ground. Activate1 will set your wings to an angle appropriate for level flight.

2: Makes front wheels turnable.

3: Countermeasures group 2

4: Countermeasures group 3

5: Countermeasures group 4

6: Eject cockpit

7: Cockpit parachute

8: Main Engines

I went to the Ice Base fully loaded with 12 Boom 50s, 12 Boom 25s, 16 Infernos and 8 Interceptors from Wright at full throttle on the 8 BFE 150s and 3 J50s and had 62% fuel left when they first locked onto me, so I think it should make most trips just fine. It isn't as fast as toostrongfliesgood, but it holds a lot more fuel and weapons.

The only XML editing I did was to make stronger wings and turn off drag calculations on the weapons and parachute, since they have a drag of zero anyway and I was hoping that might cure some of the processing choppiness on my phone. I don't know how much it did, but I think most phones should be fine.

If the weapons or parachute spawn drag once they're deployed or something weird like that and it messes with how they work, let me know and I'll fix it. I didn't test the Interceptors, but I tested everything else with drag calculations on, so everything should be good to go.

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor toostrongfliesgoood.1
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 73.3ft (22.3m)
  • Length 74.5ft (22.7m)
  • Height 22.9ft (7.0m)
  • Empty Weight 66,810lbs (30,304kg)
  • Loaded Weight 119,459lbs (54,186kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 2.539
  • Wing Loading 77.3lbs/ft2 (377.3kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 1,546.0ft2 (143.6m2)
  • Drag Points 8714


  • Number of Parts 270
  • Control Surfaces 11
  • Performance Cost 2,115
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    7,325 WarringMunky

    @Mustang51 I'll take that all under advisement. I've been thinking about getting into putting fuselage over wings.

    I knew this plane wasn't going to be pretty. I just had the idea to mess around with my old build and it became this. It wasn't that much work, really, but thanks. :)

    Gotta log out now. later dood

    4.4 years ago
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    25.5k Mustang51

    And yes! I have six (I think) planes being made at the moment. I’m pretty busy with work and college till Monday so I’m taking a break from them at the moment but some of the planes you’ll see soon are a new version of my Sea Sparrow, am F-84G, F-84F (swept back wing version), and an SO.8000, and a Fokker Phantom. The other is fictional build of my own design but hopefully these will all be done within the next month or two

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    25.5k Mustang51

    This thing sure is fast! I can see one thing though, you’ve fallen for the trap of “since there’s space there I can add more weapons!” I also used to do this all the time when I was newer to this game but sometimes you have to realise that less is more hahaha. Also for getting a shape to look good, I would try to start by keeping everything on one level no then making custom wings by covering them with fuselage blocks. Perhaps try making a couple replicas of aircraft that you like the look of using a diagram to see how they are shaped. This should help a lot when it comes to learning how to make shapes which look good on for an aircraft (in my opinion at least). I can see you put in a fair amount of effort though so here, take an updoot!

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    7,325 WarringMunky

    @Mustang51 also, anything new in the works?

    4.4 years ago
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    7,325 WarringMunky

    @Mustang51 Here it is, my weirdo jet bomber. I still haven't made anything as fast as its predecessor without XML edits.

    4.4 years ago