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(My first self made aircraft) Fuselage test 9

375 VTPADELTA  1.9 years ago

My first self made Fuselage aircraft. It can fly. You may noticed the landing gear on the wings. I added it when it was still being made and didnt had the fully costum non funky trees landing gear. Controls on how to fly this thing: 1. landing gear cuz u wont need the side landing gear during takeoff. 2. when at ground highest speed possible by it. Try pulling up and lowering trim. After lowering trim and being in air make sure u lowered trim all the way to the trim limit. Deactivate ag 1 and youre flying. Idk what ag i put the gyro but i thing it may be one of the activation groups. I think the gyro ag was 3. Gyro kinda refused to work when i fly the aircraft. (Gyro found inside fuselage near or between the fuselage.)(I have a tanker version of it with the refuel probe to refuel from the simpleplanes tanker.) It has a extremely long wingspan. The blue wing trim behind the orange wing trim is to help with takeoff and landing due to landing being hard due to landing gear breaking immediately when touching down too hard. I recommend touching down slow and soft. It stalls at 153mph of one of its previous version. Original version doesnt have the pylon and the engine connect to the pylon. Landing is challenging kind of. Not recommended to land on carriers. Has air brakes due to not being able to land on bandit runway lol. Landing is done this way: 1. gear and activate ag 1 and if u didnt center the trim just it. Landing gear of ag 1 deploy quick kinda. 2. dont touch the ground too hard. 3. dont slow down too much. 4. touch down on the runway soft as possible to not break the engine. (Require alot of experience with hard to land aircrafts kinda) This version 9 has a flight computer in the front i think. If you wanna know how i build this. I made it in rhytm of a random music lol.

General Characteristics

  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 89.8ft (27.4m)
  • Length 65.2ft (19.9m)
  • Height 26.0ft (7.9m)
  • Empty Weight 19,444lbs (8,819kg)
  • Loaded Weight 49,247lbs (22,338kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 1.505
  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.109
  • Wing Loading 67.3lbs/ft2 (328.7kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 731.5ft2 (68.0m2)
  • Drag Points 10171


  • Number of Parts 74
  • Control Surfaces 15
  • Performance Cost 693
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    First Aircraft, 1 year old build of today, no upvote and only 2 downloads?

    Pinned 10 months ago
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    My first aircraft that went under many version and maintaining its original variant color.

    Edit: this aircraft has absolutely no stall speed. I did perform a stall speed test right away and no stall speed result as of going straight up lol. (Well with 100% throttle and 90 degree up towards the cloud.) (with 0% throttle its different.) (it has also a tanker version lol.)

    Pinned 1.9 years ago