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BAE Systems Railgun

9,132 Dinogone  8.0 years ago
Auto Credit Based on YuukaNeko's [CHALLENGE] Xperimental Weaponry

I haven't made it work yet but i will

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor [CHALLENGE] Xperimental Weaponry
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 18.9ft (5.8m)
  • Length 53.4ft (16.3m)
  • Height 17.0ft (5.2m)
  • Empty Weight 132,102lbs (59,920kg)
  • Loaded Weight 133,193lbs (60,415kg)


  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 13029


  • Number of Parts 184
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 605
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    9,132 Dinogone

    @PlanesOfOld OMG SO MANY WORDS

    8.0 years ago
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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    I'm British, I'm not old enough to vote, but if I was I would vote out, reason 1. Immigrants flock from Poland, Romania, and other Eastern European countries and Mediterranean countries like Greece and Italy, the reason is because Germany and the U.K. have all the jobs and all the money,
    2. Immigrants and refugees are looked after better than British homeless people.
    3. If we left the EU we could controll our own laws, controll our own borders and remove the threat immigrants have on our university students, they come over and take the jobs, and our students are left jobless and with no money!
    4. The EU makes stupid laws that we have to oblige, and nobody in any other parliament or country get a say, nothing is voted for, it is essentially a dictatorship,
    5. We would be stronger economically if we left, the EU takes over £50,000,000 a day of OUR money and uses it for unimaginably stupid things, this money then gets sent back to us, and gets paid to the immigrants.
    5. The immigrants' families get benifits, the immigrants make lots of money here, and send it back to their families, thus making them ritch in a land of poorer people.
    6. Our millitary would be stronger, we are forced to cut the budget for our armed forces due to the EU stealing our money.
    7. Our health service would be better, the immigrants come over here with deseises that their own health services can't cure or treat. They clog up our hospitals and use drugs that could be used to help British nationals.
    8. David Cameron would bugger off if he lost the referandum
    9. House prices would drop due to a smaller demand.
    10. We could be great again.

    What we need is a wall, going across the coast near France.

    8.0 years ago
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    34.7k YuukaNeko

    @PlanesOfOld The primary benefit of staying in the EU is the monetary benefit... More investments are made, trade stays high, border tariffs are less of a emcumberment. Seriously, if the UK ever leaves the EU, they're gonna have way worse economic problems than they bargained for. It would be a huge step backward

    8.0 years ago
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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    This project shows what British defence companies could actualy accomplish in their native country if we weren't throwing away millions to stay in the EU...

    8.0 years ago
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    34.7k YuukaNeko

    This is... pretty bae X3 But for real, this is cool

    8.0 years ago
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    9,132 Dinogone

    @One1Piece2at3a4Time5 thx m8

    8.0 years ago
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    8.0 years ago