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Seawolf Class Submarine (Realistic Maneuvering)

69.3k MintLynx  5.5 years ago

Designed to maneuver through the water like a plane, spawn in water take off, throttle up and pitch down to submerge.

General Characteristics

  • Successors 1 airplane(s)
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 75.7ft (23.1m)
  • Length 353.2ft (107.6m)
  • Height 70.9ft (21.6m)
  • Empty Weight 825,516lbs (374,448kg)
  • Loaded Weight 825,516lbs (374,448kg)


  • Wing Loading 4.7lbs/ft2 (22.7kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 177,495.4ft2 (16,489.9m2)
  • Drag Points 122602


  • Number of Parts 98
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 280
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    simply magnificent, by changing pitch by trim you get more control when diving hehehehe

    2.5 years ago
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    69.3k MintLynx

    @yoshicraze One more thing, install the underwater camera mod if you haven't already. Not the 'underwater mod' specifically the 'Underwater camera mod' It lets the camera go underwater.

    5.4 years ago
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    69.3k MintLynx

    @yoshicraze Sweet! I'll look out for it then!

    5.4 years ago
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    69.3k MintLynx

    @yoshicraze Lemme give you the process! I was inspired specifically by how it was done by willy1111 in this creation It inspired me to make submarines that can maneuver through the water like a plane (or rather like a real sub).

    The propeller used comes from It functions underwater but not in the air!

    As for how I made it maneuver underwater,

    1) I start by putting in 2 fuselage pieces and xml modding their buoyancy to a where its neutral, as close to 'neither sinking nor floating' as possible. Those pieces are colored white so they're easy to find.

    2)I then add the control surfaces, set their width (and only width) VERY high, while scaling their width down. Using xml modding to reduce the size of a wing has little to no effect on it's lifting capacity, and it's best to take advantage of that for a submarine. I also add a gyroscrope to help stabilize this thing, and also to add yaw turning since I've yet to be able to get it to work on these with control surfaces alone.

    3)I apply Tosico56's engine, and use xml modding to change the size of the 'blades' of the prop in order to boost the engine power. The bigger the blades the greater the power, I also used xml scaling to reduce the size of the blades when necessary (example being here)

    4)In the interest of going a little weaverfish for submarines I use xml modding to adjust then nose's drag and try to get the precise top speed of the real deal.

    And once that's all done the submarine is finished! Simply throttle up and use the control surfaces to maneuver around. Thinking of posting a detailed guide on building subs, because I'd like to see more people ditch pistons and fuselages in favor of this method!

    +1 5.4 years ago