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Independent Suspension TM (CHALLENGE!) 4x4 CLOSED

194 TubaMasterThomas  7.2 years ago
No Tags
Auto Credit Based on Jundroo's P-51 Mustang

Tuba Motors has moved on from just drag racing, and made a major corparate decision. They started to sell chassis to small companies that make rally car, racing cars, and several others. This is their first generation rally chassis, which needs a body. Your challenge is to put a body on. Due date is 4-1-17. There must be no chassis changes (cockpit change allowed, however) amd must look as if it could be entered into a legitimate rally competition. Winner gets three upvotes to their best creation. It can be based off of a real car, but the drivetrain and suspension setup MUST be identical or near identical. Suspension and chassis CANNOT be tampered with. Use the chassis provided with no changes. You can, however, remove the cone from the front. Breaking any of these rules will result in IMMEDIATE disqualification, no exceptions. Good luck, and have fun!

**EDIT** I do realize that I cannot up vote three times, so I'm changing the prize. Also, just thought I'd mention that I'm judging on both looks and functionality. Winner gets a follow. No prizes for second or third.

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor P-51 Mustang
  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 18.4ft (5.6m)
  • Length 22.5ft (6.9m)
  • Height 5.9ft (1.8m)
  • Empty Weight 3,552lbs (1,611kg)
  • Loaded Weight 4,549lbs (2,063kg)


  • Wing Loading 439,839.3lbs/ft2 (2,147,483.6kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 7089


  • Number of Parts 119
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 486