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KW-61B-2 “Sparrow”

1,830 nathan8urns  3.0 years ago

The KW-61B-2 is an aircraft designed by NJB during the mid 80’s and built for a Krakabloan Air Force (KAF) specification for a high-speed fighter/interceptor for defending the home islands. While this was a simple task, the aircraft also had to be able to take off from short and unprepared runways. To get around this, NJB developed a variable-geometry wing, giving it favorable flight characteristics, with good handling at low speed and a good top speed. With a powerful radar equipped in the nose of the aircraft for the ability to use the NK-29D semi-active radar homing missiles, there had to be a second crew member. This change was not expected by NJB, and because of that the RIO has very little room. Along with the before mentioned NK-29D’s, the aircraft also has two NK-47C’s. These missiles are high off-boresight heatseeking missiles, with a range of only 2.5 miles. The KW-61B-2 has two Y-pylons, with one under each wing. Each one of there carries one NK-29D and one NK-47C. The aircraft also had countermeasures and an internal M61 “Vulcan” Gatling Gun.

Controls— standard controls, AG8 and VTOL down for the flaps, and once done turn off AG8, then VTOL up for sweep of the wing up to 60 degrees. Afterburners kick in after 90% throttle. Everything else is pretty straight forward, and just have fun.


General Characteristics

  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 35.3ft (10.7m)
  • Length 39.1ft (11.9m)
  • Height 10.8ft (3.3m)
  • Empty Weight 12,919lbs (5,860kg)
  • Loaded Weight 21,006lbs (9,528kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 3.209
  • Wing Loading 73.3lbs/ft2 (357.8kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 286.7ft2 (26.6m2)
  • Drag Points 1076


  • Number of Parts 354
  • Control Surfaces 8
  • Performance Cost 2,255
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    1,830 nathan8urns

    @Xx24reminder I mean, that's kinda how you get maneuverability. As long as you don't pull as hard as you can, it turns well and has the realistic aspect of inverted roll at high AoA.

    3.0 years ago
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    @AtlasMilitaryIndustries ?? This was one of the least stable aircraft I ever flown

    3.0 years ago
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    @nathan8urns No problem!

    3.0 years ago
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    1,830 nathan8urns

    @AtlasMilitaryIndustries thanks!

    3.0 years ago
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    This is very impressive, nice job!

    3.0 years ago