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4,553 Igorsilvag  one year ago
Auto Credit Based on FlirBlitz's Simple Planes War Challenge United [CHALLENGE OVER]


" The ZA-018 " or just Zyabliki ( Chaffinch ) , it's a Light Bomber/Fighter Plane created by Federal People's Republic of Zima, and it's the bomber version of KA-014, it's even more powerful and has more armament. "

" Created in 1918 by the government of Zima during war times, this plane with space now for two people, one pilot and one gunner, it's the bomber version of KA-014 but it's also the first bomber of the country of Zima, it can carry Two Tiny Bombs and his main armament is still two 7.62mm machine guns, and the gunner gun it's also an 7.62mm machine gun, also the airplane can reach a velocity of 220 Km/h, having the most powerful engine with 1000HP, being fast and being able to carry a lot of weapons, it's a very good airplane for ground attack or bombardment, and of course the aircraft has another name, called Mirnyy Uoker ( Peace Walker ), and that's because of the atrocious wars that happened. "

" As a great addition to Zima's air arsenal, this aircraft is likely destined for great things. "

" AG1: Main Gun "
" AG2: Gunner Guns "

General Characteristics


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.141
  • Wing Loading 21.2lbs/ft2 (103.3kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 333.7ft2 (31.0m2)
  • Drag Points 5817


  • Number of Parts 320
  • Control Surfaces 6
  • Performance Cost 988