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simple UA-2nightbat

2,276 Adanene  5.4 years ago
Auto Credit Based on Adanene's simple UA-1 nightfly

5 years after UA-1,the need for better drone for provides ground support for Unkown Army and UA-1have problem in turning and take off and landing, UA-2 became the very improved version than it prodcessor. featuring 3 engine that could provide long range flight (from wright airport to yeager airport just use 3-6% of fuel with speed up to 400 mph in level flight. Unlike it prodcessor, this plane have improved maneuverablility so it can change course faster than before. UA-2 also the first in unknown army to use long range semi guided clever (but the cleaver so weak in turning) and also have 18 semi air to ground missles that clearly can turn uss beast convoy into dust. over 2x of the drones ever build and 5/6of them fight in any theater with its unknownness.The unique accident was happened when 3rd time fighting USS beast, one from 10 missle from destroyer hit the drone but didn't give any damage (just reset the cockpit/camera view). oh yeah this thing now have no problem in takeoff and landings

For control the camera/cockpit use trim and vtol

for safety shooting, dont aim the ground target before having at least 3000 ft so AA missle mostly miss you

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor simple UA-1 nightfly
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 69.5ft (21.2m)
  • Length 36.8ft (11.2m)
  • Height 10.9ft (3.3m)
  • Empty Weight 15,619lbs (7,084kg)
  • Loaded Weight 21,751lbs (9,866kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.229
  • Wing Loading 58.2lbs/ft2 (283.9kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 374.0ft2 (34.8m2)
  • Drag Points 3764


  • Number of Parts 90
  • Control Surfaces 8
  • Performance Cost 767