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SILK-262 Kondori (Condor) High Altitude Strategic Reconnaissance Aircraft

5,795 DragonAerotech  8.2 years ago

The Kondori is a single engine, extremely high altitude, long range reconnaissance aircraft. Capable of altitudes of 70,000 feet but typically flying at 55,000 to 65,000 feet, this aircraft is not fast, armed nor intended for direct combat and yet it is one of the most valuable aircraft in Se Suomi Imperiumi Ilmailuvoimien.

Powered by a single non-afterburning turbofan engine and featuring long flexible wings she typically flies at half the speed of modern fighters but uses her excessive maximum altitude to escape the notice of radar, the deadly SAMs that are guided by their systems and fighters that are typically vectored to intercept aircraft over sovereign airspace. She carries five cameras, three of which are high resolution black and white cameras, and two infrared cameras that invert the black from white from one another allowing for detailed images of industrial centers, military installations as well as field maneuvers. These have been in service over Imperial Russia, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Germania for a couple of years from their northern deployment bases prior to the war against Das Germanishe Weltreich.

No special features or functions, what you see is what you get. Although she doesn't look or sound like anything special she has surprisingly good glide characteristics for a jet aircraft and I had fun building and flying this "somewhat U-2 inspired" aircraft. ^_^ Landing is a breeze just check the runway for debris before you land! Optimal landing speed is 140~155 mph-ish.

General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 116.2ft (35.4m)
  • Length 52.5ft (16.0m)
  • Height 16.9ft (5.2m)
  • Empty Weight 16,459lbs (7,465kg)
  • Loaded Weight 29,488lbs (13,375kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.685
  • Wing Loading 32.4lbs/ft2 (158.4kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 909.2ft2 (84.5m2)
  • Drag Points 3140


  • Number of Parts 46
  • Control Surfaces 5
  • Performance Cost 304
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    @ccooper Sure, how involved do you want to get with the build though? I have yet to see a Short Stirling or Handley-Page Halifax. In terms of US types, since I brought it up earlier, a B-32 Dominator would be interesting. Want something smaller? How about a Boeing P-26 Peashooter? (Remarkably, one of these actually shot a Zero down over the Phillipines!) Feeling Navyish? How about a Hellcat/Martlet, Devastator or Dauntless? Feeling even more Briny? A Catalina, Sunderland or if you're feeling really up for a challenge - how about a Supermarine Walrus or Sea Otter

    8.1 years ago
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    @ccooper Thanks! :D

    8.1 years ago
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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    @DragonAerotech yeah it might be interesting but i dont think he is going to.

    8.1 years ago
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    @TheOwlAce No thanks, I'll be eagerly watching the upcoming conflict between you and @PINK though. ^_^

    8.1 years ago
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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    Would you like to go for a second war?

    8.1 years ago