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Feta Corp - Experiment IV Guided Bomb System

3,749 offiry  4.0 years ago
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Feta has been... playing around with some explosives, and came up with a completely and utterly useless design. Made only for pyromaniacs.

So, what is it?

Feta's creation is a turret base, with a, well, you guessed it - a turret on top! The turret is a large cage-like structure, in which inside there are three large missiles. These missiles are radar and heat seeking, as well as the ability to o underwater and harness massive explosions.

What can I use it for, then?

It can be used for attacking long range targets, primarily purposed for being on ships, to attack other ships at long distances. Going right over the water, the missile would be unable to be shot or locked down, and fast enough to hit the target even if countermeasures might be deployed, and striking the ship on the side with the force of a 500-Pound bomb.

How do I use it?

Select your target, lock on with a missile, and after firing the missile, click the corresponding activation group. The entire thing should fire, unless you are on low physics, on mobile, of course. If that case you will blow up into scrap most of the time. Comes with three handy cameras to watch the destruction.

As well, of course, VTOL and Trim for turret movement.

Anything else?

Feta would like it if anyone who downloads this please leave a comment, unless you don't have an account, (hurry, create one!) so Feta can improve on the creations. Also, please visit our other accounts and sites!


General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 41.0ft (12.5m)
  • Length 49.6ft (15.1m)
  • Height 15.4ft (4.7m)
  • Empty Weight 18,847lbs (8,548kg)
  • Loaded Weight 18,847lbs (8,548kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 1.788
  • Wing Loading 535.6lbs/ft2 (2,614.8kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 35.2ft2 (3.3m2)
  • Drag Points 13637


  • Number of Parts 153
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 366