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(EMB-314) A-29 Super Tucano

1,027 WarGames1942  1.2 years ago

Esse é o (EMB-314) A-29 Super Tucano, uma aéronave de ataque, desenvolvida pela gigande Brasileira Embraer, a renomada aéronave turbo-prop mono-motor é a unica de seu tipo a contar com um Radar de busca interno avançado existente no mercado, e a aéronave é tão exelente em seu trabalho que foi vendida para muitos países, com destaque para: EUA, Afeganistão e o Brasil.

Armamentos: Bombas de queda livre MK-83 e MK-82, Bombas Guiadas GBU-24 Paveway III, Casulos de Foguetes não Guiados Might Mouse, Misseis de curto alcançe IR MAA-1 Piranha e 2x Browning .50 cal.

Grupos de Ativação: AG1 - Tanque de combústivel, AG2 - Soltar Armamento, AG3 - Freios Aérios e AG5 - Disparar Foguetes. Espero que gostem.

Creditos para: @Striderxxl pelos HUDs e pelo Radar e @ASBE pelo Radar de Busca.

English version. This is the (EMB-314) A-29 Super Tucano, an attack aircraft, developed by the Brazilian giant Embraer, the renowned single-engine turbo-prop aircraft is the only one of its kind to feature an existing Advanced Internal Search Radar on the market, and the aircraft is so excellent in its work that it has been sold to many countries, with emphasis on: USA, Afghanistan and Brazil.

Armaments: MK-83 and MK-82 Free Fall Bombs, GBU-24 Paveway III Guided Bombs, Might Mouse Unguided Rocket Pods, MAA-1 Piranha IR Short Range Missiles and 2x Browning .50 cal.

Activation Groups: AG1 - Fuel Tank, AG2 - Drop Armament, AG3 - Air Brakes and AG5 - Fire Rockets. Hope you like it.

Credits to: @Striderxxl for HUDs and Radar and @ASBE for Search Radar

General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 35.7ft (10.9m)
  • Length 52.2ft (15.9m)
  • Height 12.6ft (3.8m)
  • Empty Weight 14,513lbs (6,583kg)
  • Loaded Weight 15,610lbs (7,080kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 2.591
  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.32
  • Wing Loading 47.2lbs/ft2 (230.3kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 331.0ft2 (30.8m2)
  • Drag Points 1734


  • Number of Parts 267
  • Control Surfaces 12
  • Performance Cost 2,380