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X-35 StrikeFight 1.0

2,919 HenriqueMendesCampos  6.0 years ago

Esse X-35 foi inspirado no X-35 de testes norte americano atualmente dividido em três versões/seu sistema VTOL é um dos melhores que já fiz sempre ativado no 8 junto com o estabilizador automático/ele contem 4 pistões internos que podem transportar 4 bombas de 25/4 mísseis Air-to-Air Interceptor-Guardian/4 misseis Air-to-Graund/!!não recomendo utilizar Rockets nos portões do meio por segurança!!/esse caça poderá completa seu arsenal aéreo com maisum caça VTOL nunca lançado,aproveite em breve trarei novas versões desse caça incrível,muito obrigado pelo download.

This X-35 was inspired by the North American tests X-35 currently divided into three versions / its system VTOL is one of the best that I ever made activated in the 8 along with the automatic stabilizer / it contains 4 internal pistons that can carry 4 pumps of 25/4 Air-to-Air Interceptor-Guardian missiles / 4 Air-to-Graund missiles / !! I do not recommend using Rockets at the middle gates for safety !! / this hunt can complete your air arsenal with more VTOL never launched , enjoy soon will bring new versions of this incredible hunting, thank you for download.

General Characteristics

  • Successors 1 airplane(s)
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 38.6ft (11.8m)
  • Length 52.8ft (16.1m)
  • Height 15.8ft (4.8m)
  • Empty Weight 13,850lbs (6,282kg)
  • Loaded Weight 20,459lbs (9,280kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 3.954
  • Wing Loading 21.2lbs/ft2 (103.3kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 966.6ft2 (89.8m2)
  • Drag Points 5270


  • Number of Parts 116
  • Control Surfaces 6
  • Performance Cost 623