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1,593 Pulkit  4.6 years ago


Been a while since I came back here and I had no idea what to creat so I decided to make a vehicle. And I started with a suspension design then frame. I have nothing in mind for design, low key I wanted to make a track vehicle like sports car with open wheel design. So I started doing a lil body work and I ended up creating something that looks more like a pickup and eh that front slope is direct result of idea-less design. I had nothing in mind so I just raised a single block and tada! The front started looking like the new cybertruck. So I gotta tell you I was not trying make something like or a replica of cybertruck. There are way better molders and designer here with cool mods and xml skills who does those things so much better. I'm a noob and wasn't going to upload it but I really wanted to share it so here we are. Controls are simple but different than pitch yaw type also you can change them by finding engines and changing their input and same for the front wheels.

  • VTOL to accelerate / reverse
  • ROLL to steer

I uploaded it coz I wanted help with creating better vehicle designs Specially performance like handling, suspension etc. Even tho wheels comes with suspension property I enjoy creating my own. If you can help me with anything or want to share your thoughts on this design please please please comment. I'm really a big noob if you'll see my previous creations Even tho they are hella old and really cringy or cringey discription.

UKVT1 stands for unknown vehicle type 1 coz I didn't know what type of vehicle I was creating. It isn't super stiff low cog good handling sports car nor some off road atv like xorv with Bigg wheels and greater approach angle. Same goes for the design it just started looking like a truck, cybertruck so I did same with the back lol

Anyways I'm posting it, if you read the whole long aff discription thanks a lot! And please comment I'm so alone.

Fly safe and have a nice day!

General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 15.1ft (4.6m)
  • Length 28.1ft (8.6m)
  • Height 10.2ft (3.1m)
  • Empty Weight 8,709lbs (3,950kg)
  • Loaded Weight 9,471lbs (4,296kg)


  • Wing Loading 53.8lbs/ft2 (262.8kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 176.0ft2 (16.3m2)
  • Drag Points 12980


  • Number of Parts 378
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 1,311