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Glider with retractable engine

17.5k Benny3053  5.7 years ago
Auto Credit Based on Benny3053's Simple Glider

This is the powered version of the simple glider. It has a retractable engine on/in the back. In order to stop the prop from spinning in the fuselage, I added two plates at the sides of the fuselage (pic nr.3). For those of you who want to replicate the system, I set the fuselage parts where the prop is going to be retracted in on “disablepartcollision" true! so that the prop can be retracted into the fuselage without exploding. The two plates and the Propeller itself have "disablepartcollision" set to false. The glider itself looks in my opinion very nice but I have to say that it is not a enjoyable flying experience since it's very ...sluggish?
||To take off, throttle up to about 12-15%. Soon after you start rolling you will notice that the glider has the tendency to tip over, thats because of the engine and engine mount on the back (they act like a lever). To compensate the nose dive just pitch up.
|| To retract the engine drag the VTOL arrow slowly down but make sure, that the blades are lenghwise aligned with the fuselage. The goal is to put one of the blades in between those two plates I mentioned earlier.

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Simple Glider
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 172.7ft (52.7m)
  • Length 41.8ft (12.8m)
  • Height 11.7ft (3.6m)
  • Empty Weight 3,125lbs (1,417kg)
  • Loaded Weight 3,222lbs (1,461kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.31
  • Wing Loading 4.9lbs/ft2 (24.1kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 653.9ft2 (60.8m2)
  • Drag Points 1786


  • Number of Parts 33
  • Control Surfaces 7
  • Performance Cost 243