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NFR-51 Watchdog II

6,433 AnOlympicWalnut  1.3 years ago

I hate college but this is too much free time. Anyways,

The NFR-51 Watchdog II

For reconnaissance/defense fighting/ground attacks/whatever else you can think of.

(but mainly reconnaissance)

The NFR-51 Watchdog II, getting its name from an earlier patrol aircraft, is a recon aircraft/fighter designed to replace the NFR-82 (shown below).

Here's some simple specs:

- Top speed: ~1600mph at 65,000ft

- Range: ~124.95 miles (that's terrible range, but compared to other SP planes it's not too bad)

- Weight (loaded): 29,681 lbs

- Part Count: 511

- Spearhead targeting angle: 50°

S.H.O wings

Do you know how aircraft in this game tend to reach a "limit" when pulling high AoA, and when they reach said limit they pull hard right or hard left?

Not a problem!

This aircraft is designed to fly beyond that limit without needing thrust vectoring. This allows for cobra maneuvers and low-speed control. If you have trouble controlling the plane with this, however, you always have the option to turn the system off with AG6 (you'll find better AoA with the design though).

Okay, let's talk weapons

This can carry everything under the sun, even though it's meant to be a recon aircraft...
Whatever, it's not my problem. If you want to carry an experimental remote-control Tomahawk, you can carry it. If you want to dual-wield Cleavers and have missiles for other fighters, go wild. I really should've classified this as a multi-role aircraft because of this very reason, but oh well.

Uhhhh, here's the AG groups

1. Gun activation

2. Refuel probe

3. Plan B. Useful if you mess up, bad.

4. Arresting hook

5. Pilot Canopy. The co-pilot does not have a hotkey, unfortunately, so you'll have to click the button in-person

6. S.H.O wings (note: deactivating these will save their last position in case you need them to stay there)

7. Combat Mode

8. Navigation Lights

If you need help remembering these AG groups, there are buttons for all these functions in order at the top of your instrument panel.

Here's a full list of the features:

- Pilot and co-pilot flight

- HMD system in the rear, allowing for better situational awareness

- Carrier operations checklist, for takeoff and landing

- Intake design copied from the NF-37 Deimos, allowing for better fuel efficiency

- S.H.O wings that yield Post-Stall Maneuverability

- Flaps (that suck because SP hates me) and airbrakes

- Vertical and horizontal trim

- Stable auto-pilot flight

- Spearhead missiles, which are really just improved Guardians

- Detailed ammo screens (yes, it can hold cleavers)

- Catapult hook (for easier launch)

- Bomb-bay for concealing ordinance

- Crosshair for the HMD system

- Switch for Landing Gear turn ability

- Custom (but simple) landing gear, mainly for multiplayer compatibility (can taxi on MP custom carriers)

- Fully working ejection seats

- Navigation lights

- Refueling probe

- Multi-engine control (Top Gun lovers, don't try it)

- Working HUD with crosshair, ammo, over-G warning, and combat mode warning

- Interior lighting

- Radio control (if only it worked)

- Flares, and lots of them

I probably missed some stuff still, but I think that's everything. I understand this aircraft isn't the prettiest, but I wanted to focus on functionality and the joy of flying the plane. I also suck at it so I mean yeah.

Please, enjoy.

General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 42.0ft (12.8m)
  • Length 50.1ft (15.3m)
  • Height 13.2ft (4.0m)
  • Empty Weight 19,059lbs (8,645kg)
  • Loaded Weight 29,610lbs (13,430kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 2.276
  • Wing Loading 62.9lbs/ft2 (307.0kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 470.9ft2 (43.8m2)
  • Drag Points 5572


  • Number of Parts 511
  • Control Surfaces 8
  • Performance Cost 3,476