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Shishkov Sh-21 "Medved" - WWII fictional fighter challenge

82.3k SimplyPlain  4.3 years ago
Auto Credit Based on SchadeAircaftCompany's WWII fictional fighter challenge (CLOSED)

A totally ficticious WW2 plane? Why not, sounds like fun.

What about this one;
Near the end of WW2, Russia was the proud owner of quite a bit of former nazi-tech. Jet engine technology seemed to be very promising, and the design bureaus quickly cooked up several Jumo-clone-powered planes.

The Shishkov Sh-21 “Medved” was supposed to be a beefed-up “flying tank” in true Il-2 style, but it was soon found that the plane lacked power; it wasn’t significantly faster than the Stormovik, but it could out-drink its pilots and rear gunners easily –no small feat in itself. Since a number of units were already manufactured, the solution seemed to be the addition of a V1-style pulse jet, which would take the place of the foreseen 500lb bomb; this would give the plane the boost needed to hit hard and outrun the competition.

Even minus one bomb, this T34-with-wings was still ferocious with its underwing rockets, two 75mm antitank-cannons for CAS and four 30mm autocannons for general air & surface mayhem. The 20mm for the rear gunner was almost an afterthought, since the “medved” was able to outrun its attackers and, in any case, the rear gunner would probably only succeed in taking off the plane’s tail.

• AG1 lights
• AG2 assign controls (VTOL and Trim sliders) to rear gunner
• AG3 assign controls (Trim slider) to pitch trim tabs
• AG4 flaps

Note: it’s not a good idea to have AG2 and AG3 activated simultaneously. Using the rear gunner position with the pitch trim still activated will most probably result in Tunguska-event-ish crater…

This puppy won’t win any dogfights of course -entered just for fun :D

?? ???????!

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor WWII fictional fighter challenge (CLOSED)
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 42.9ft (13.1m)
  • Length 36.8ft (11.2m)
  • Height 15.7ft (4.8m)
  • Empty Weight 11,325lbs (5,137kg)
  • Loaded Weight 17,176lbs (7,791kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 1.635
  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.029
  • Wing Loading 24.1lbs/ft2 (117.7kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 712.6ft2 (66.2m2)
  • Drag Points 4538


  • Number of Parts 700
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 2,177
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    I’ll put it through the courses of course, although it’s more of a bruiser than a fighter lol@SimplyPlain

    4.3 years ago
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    82.3k SimplyPlain

    @SchadeAircaftCompany Thanks... you can certainly dogfight it of course, I just don't think it will last very long. I'm still curious how it will hold up in a dogfight, though.

    4.3 years ago
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    This is a really cool design, especially the back story behind it. Although I can’t dogfight it I really enjoy this aircraft

    4.3 years ago