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Venturi Tunnel

5,272 TRD  2.2 years ago

I swear I'm not out of ideas. unyeet bois


The Venturi effect states that in a situation with constant mechanical energy, the velocity of a fluid passing through a constricted area will increase and its static pressure will decrease. The effect utilizes both the principle of continuity as well as the principle of conservation of mechanical energy.


The glass fuselages with an percentage opacity represents the fluid decreasing in pressure when it passes through a constricted space. This is also why race cars can sometimes use venturi tunnels to create downforce without the presence of a wing to do so. Except the fluid in this case is well, air.


Now for some trivia:

Did you know that the first time the Venturi effect was utilized in F1 was between the seventies and eighties, by Lotus? The genius behind Lotus' continuous victories in F1 at the time was no other than Colin Chapman.


It doesn't actually work in SP. Or maybe it does, and I just can't see it in action.

General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 24.6ft (7.5m)
  • Length 6.2ft (1.9m)
  • Height 12.8ft (3.9m)
  • Empty Weight 2,680lbs (1,216kg)
  • Loaded Weight 2,680lbs (1,216kg)


  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 9192


  • Number of Parts 21
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 214