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1,616 wuzhiyuan  3.7 years ago
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Auto Credit Based on wuzhiyuan's T-72B3M

The T-72B3 is Russia's recently upgraded aging T-72B tank. It can be seen as a low-cost replacement for the T-72B2 upgrade to keep the older T-72B tank operational. The refurbished and refurbished T-72B3 tank comes with new engines, new gunner sights, new fire control systems, and some improvements. Now this MBT has search capability. In 2013, the first batch of upgraded T-72B3 tanks were delivered to the Russian army. By 2016, at least 600 old tanks will have been upgraded to this standard.The fuel tank protection has been slightly improved. The T-72B3 is equipped with built-in Kontakt-5 explosive reactive armor. The same armor was also used by the T-80U, T-90, and some other main battle tanks. This armor is effective against most artillery.The tank is equipped with the same 125mm smoothbore gun as its predecessor. However, the T-72B3 auto-loader has been modified to use the newly developed ammo. The tank can fire either the 9M119 Reed whistle/Map or the 9M119m Reflected anti-tank missile, just like a regular artillery shell. Western reports of the two missiles were called AT-11 "Snipers". A total of 55 rounds are prepared, 30 rounds are stored in the automatic loader and ready for use, and the rest are stored in the warehouse

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor T-72B3M
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 27.0ft (8.2m)
  • Length 68.3ft (20.8m)
  • Height 28.3ft (8.6m)
  • Empty Weight 50,305lbs (22,818kg)
  • Loaded Weight 55,706lbs (25,268kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 2.42
  • Wing Loading 439,839.3lbs/ft2 (2,147,483.6kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 20611


  • Number of Parts 288
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 1,151