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15.1k SIRCOMMANDER031  11 months ago
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Auto Credit Based on FlirBlitz's Simple Planes War Challenge United [CHALLENGE OVER]

The KAMPFPANZER 2 is a medium tank killer and infantry support tank built for the army to use in the highlands. designed and produced in the mid 1930s, it is the first tank to enter mass production and forms the backbone of the armored corps for the next decade. It is a fast and nimble tank with a decent firepower. It relies on its large numbers to overwhelm enemies and punch through heavy defences.

The Panzer 2 consist a crew of 4 men, a Commander, Driver, Gunner and loader. The radio unit built into the tank allows for communication between different platoons for coordination and the position of radio operator is manned by the Loader. Armaments include a single main 6cm cannon capable of firing HEAT rounds, one coaxial .50 machine gun and a 7.8mm machine gun manned by the commander.
Its top speed can reach up to 90km/h on a flat and paved surface

General Characteristics


  • Wing Loading 610.1lbs/ft2 (2,978.7kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 7.1ft2 (0.7m2)
  • Drag Points 5345


  • Number of Parts 104
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 607