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Snake car (offroad)

36.0k TheMouse  5 months ago
Auto Credit Based on TheMouse's Snake car

Having gotten quite a few upvotes on preveus snake cars, I decided to make an updated version. This is ONLY for offroad use. If a cop pulls you over for going 40 mph in a 70 mph area, dont blame me. Yes, you heard right. It has a max speed of 40 mph. However, what it does not have in speed, it makes up for in hill climbing ability. I have had it climb hills up to 70 degrees! (Which is also amazing because it’s weighs over 25 thousand pounds!) (mostly fuel, feel free to get rid of some) It can do hills up to about 80 degrees down, but only with the brake on constantly. (It is able to keep control, so it is still able to steer) for reference, the steepest hill in real life that a car has ever climbed is about 40 degrees. (It is debated who actually drived up the steepest hill.) that makes this car quite good. (Understatement). Lastly, if you have not seen my snake cars before, I will explan how to drive. Normal car controls (right hand control) and it turnes quite fast, because of the rotators. I have never been able to flip this over, and although it has a small gyroscope, it is incredibly staible by itself. I also have crashed it, and lost multiple wheels, and I have still been able to drive quite well. (Thats what happens when you have tons of wheels) so have fun playing with this. I will put a link in the comments for my other snake cars, and have a nice day!

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Snake car
  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 11.9ft (3.6m)
  • Length 64.4ft (19.6m)
  • Height 6.8ft (2.1m)
  • Empty Weight 12,374lbs (5,613kg)
  • Loaded Weight 25,136lbs (11,401kg)


  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 5573


  • Number of Parts 246
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 1,230