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R.E.S "Summer Sea" Athena Class Ballistic Submarine

40.1k PUMPKINSIDD  one month ago
Auto Credit Based on PUMPKINSIDD's test

Vessel Info

"Developed back in 1991 to strengthen its Navy Power, and Currently the Largest Submarine ever built by Eurosian (My Fictional Country) Navy, it houses Nuclear Reactor, houses Ballistic Missiles, and other Mass Destruction Missiles and able to accommodate comfortable living facilities for the crew of 150"

"The Submarine can carry 16x BM-1 "Supernova" MIRV SLBMs, 23x Torpedoes and Experimental B-1 (Codename : JERICHO) SLBM based Burst Missile, While can perform a Reconnaisance Mission underwater"


  • 16x B-1 (Codename : JERICHO) Burst Missiles
  • 23x Torpedoes

No Activation Group

  • Notable Controls : Use VTOL to Submerge and Trim for Periscope



General Characteristics

  • Predecessor test
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 66.8ft (20.4m)
  • Length 575.3ft (175.4m)
  • Height 124.4ft (37.9m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 80,656lbs (36,585kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.025
  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.006
  • Wing Loading 75.1lbs/ft2 (366.8kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 1,073.7ft2 (99.8m2)
  • Drag Points 0


  • Number of Parts 246
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 1,650
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    Missiles and Torpedoes wont work once you submerged too deep, so minimize your Submersion as possible to make it still work (P.S Sorry I forgot to put this)


    also Try not to turn while launching Torpedo this in result Torpedo goes Circle / Sideways

    Pinned one month ago
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    2,450 overlord5453

    About the SLBMs not working after submerging, put a new xml property in the "missile" Section in it's xml menu called "waterproof" And give it value "true".do it for each missile. Normaly missiles don't work underwater.

    one month ago
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    1,957 Jmplane678

    do you accept the challenge

    one month ago
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    Great work

    one month ago
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    2,362 Zhixunlin23

    @PUMPKINSIDD ok thanks

    one month ago
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    @Zhixunlin23 Yeah that happens, and i cant fix it

    +1 one month ago
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    2,362 Zhixunlin23

    I am not trying to be offensive or anything but the SLBMs and torpedos don’t work after you submerge and surface

    one month ago
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    56.5k PapaKernels

    Hell yea

    one month ago
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    2,362 Zhixunlin23

    Nice submarine

    one month ago
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    11.5k dekanii

    i like

    +1 one month ago
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    11.5k dekanii


    one month ago
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    11.5k dekanii


    one month ago