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rockite bomer

345 24DYA  2.6 years ago

General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 24.3ft (7.4m)
  • Length 19.3ft (5.9m)
  • Height 12.0ft (3.6m)
  • Empty Weight 5,471lbs (2,481kg)
  • Loaded Weight 7,465lbs (3,386kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.133
  • Wing Loading 43.0lbs/ft2 (210.0kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 173.6ft2 (16.1m2)
  • Drag Points 2698


  • Number of Parts 74
  • Control Surfaces 9
  • Performance Cost 387
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    345 24DYA

    @Ilikeacecombat it was really just me trying to build a bomber that you didn't really have to aim for it was it was an attempt for me to make bombers that were more likely to not be defective it wasn't very it's not very effective in the long run but it seems to be very effective in destroying smaller targets it's like if you were to shoot an RPG for a plane it's not very effective because you got to leave the targets but if you can try putting in a helicopter that would be nice and if you can tell me what it's going to be called so I can search. And can you please mention my name in it because I don't like it when people use my creations and they just don't include me in it if you would if you can that would be nice thank you I give you my permission for it okay it's very nice that you're actually doing something I thought you wouldn't.

    2.5 years ago