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150 POGGERS  3.1 years ago
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Very important if you download. There is no landing gear you can just belly land it. On a side note, when taking off or landing turn on Act 7 for stability. Act 7 can also be used as a autopilot (its just a gyro). Once in the air flight straight until you reach about 300 knots, then you can turn of the gyro. Once in the air Act 2 turns on trust vectoring engines. Most importantly if you use the only 500 lb bomb on the aircraft listen closely. Drop this from far away, thurn the hell around and hit Act 4. Fly as far away as you can as fast as you can. Besides that it has 5 close air to air missles and two air to ground missles. Warning it is extremly unstable under 300 knots.

General Characteristics

  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 17.1ft (5.2m)
  • Length 20.4ft (6.2m)
  • Height 8.0ft (2.4m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 5,022lbs (2,278kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 1.342
  • Wing Loading 53.1lbs/ft2 (259.5kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 94.5ft2 (8.8m2)
  • Drag Points 771


  • Number of Parts 45
  • Control Surfaces 3
  • Performance Cost 243