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Lockheed Martin C-130 Hercules

1,054 Warwolf182  4.0 years ago
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Auto Credit Based on Aginuzo's AC-130 Gunship

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General Characteristics

  • Predecessor AC-130 Gunship
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 221.6ft (67.5m)
  • Length 192.3ft (58.6m)
  • Height 65.3ft (19.9m)
  • Empty Weight 59,823lbs (27,135kg)
  • Loaded Weight 152,147lbs (69,013kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.472
  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.078
  • Wing Loading 54.6lbs/ft2 (266.5kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 2,787.5ft2 (259.0m2)
  • Drag Points 103256


  • Number of Parts 276
  • Control Surfaces 6
  • Performance Cost 1,476
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    3,198 Fox1nDeBox

    @Warwolf182 okay

    4.0 years ago
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    1,054 Warwolf182

    I forgot
    AG3- Open main parachute


    4.0 years ago
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    1,054 Warwolf182

    @Aircat56 let you a chance buddy I took my piece from left to right you, you create your's from 0, this, is cool.

    4.0 years ago
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    3,198 Fox1nDeBox

    @Warwolf182 cool aircraft, better than my planes! 😁 (Really)

    4.0 years ago
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    1,054 Warwolf182

    French and German version at the end ;)


    The C-130 Hercule is a "Multi-role" plane used by many Army Forces around the world like the RCAF and USAF. Since 1956, the C-130 Hercules is flying above our head with he's precious cargo.

    Here is how iit work,

    AG1- Nav light on.
    AG2- Drop the cargo.
    AG5- Open side door.
    AG6- Open back door.
    AG7- Drop fuel tank.
    AG8- Shut the engine.
    VTOL DOWN- Flaps


    Le C-130 Hercules est un avion "Multi-rôle" utilisé par plusieurs forces armées comme la RCAF et l'USAF. Depuis 1956 le C-130 Hercules vole au dessu de nos tête avec sa cargaison si précieuse.

    Voici comment il fonctionne,

    AG1- Lumière de navigation ouverte.
    AG2- Larguer la cargaison.
    AG5- Ouvre la porte de côter.
    AG6- Ouvre la porte arrière.
    AG7- Larguer les réservoirs d'essence.
    AG8- Eteindre les moteurs.
    VTOL VERS LE BAS- Volets.


    Die C-130 Hercules ist ein "Mehrzweck" -Flugzeug, das von mehreren Streitkräften wie der RCAF und der USAF eingesetzt wird. Seit 1956 fliegt die C-130 Hercules mit ihrer kostbaren Fracht über unseren Köpfen.

    So funktioniert es,

    AG1- Navigationslicht.
    AG2- Lassen Sie die Ladung fallen.
    AG5- Öffnen Sie die Seitentür.
    AG6- Öffnen Sie die hintere Tür.
    AG7- Lassen Sie die Kraftstofftanks los.
    AG8- Stellen Sie die Motoren ab.
    VTOL RUNTER- die Fensterläden runter.

    4.0 years ago