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Fokker 100 Palair Macedonian flight 301

667 SC403  2.5 years ago

Palair Macedonian flight 301 was a flight between Skopje, Macedonia (Now North Macedonia) and Zurich, Switzerland on the 5th Day of March in 1993 with 97 people on board a Dutch-built Fokker 100 registered PH-KXL. The plane had heavy icing on wings causing the plane to stall and crashed in a field killing 83 people with 14 surviving. The crash is the deadliest in Macedonia but surpassed a few months later with Avioimpex flight 110.

General Characteristics


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.271
  • Wing Loading 44.0lbs/ft2 (214.8kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 2,827.4ft2 (262.7m2)
  • Drag Points 48379


  • Number of Parts 215
  • Control Surfaces 10
  • Performance Cost 1,108