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Finccc•caro F.2J

255 SuperPbannana  2 months ago
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I have based this off of some 1930s biplanes, particularly the Cr. 32 and a little of the Avia 534. The plane flies okay, the top speed is around 250 mph and the turn rate is competitive, perhaps not against some very light designs however it works fine agains most normal monolplanes, for instance the stock P51D. VTOL acts like trim and controls some raised tabs on the horizontal stabiliser, it also rotates a trim wheel inside the cockpit. The guns are visible in hte cockpit nad have some imitation hammers modelled. THE GUNS ARE BY DEFAULT ON SAFETY MODE, FLICK THE RED SWITCH IN THE COCKPIT TO MAKE THEM FIREABLE. THE ENGINE IS ALSO OFF BY DEFAULT, FLICK THE BLACK SWITCH IN THE COCKPIT TO FIX THIS. THE NAVIGATION LIGHTS ARE ACTIVATED USING A BUTTON NEXT TO THE THROTTLE IN THE COCKPIT OF BY ACTIVATE 1. Optimally, you should put VTOL back all the way on take-off to keep hte tail on the ground, then decrease it to half-way as you gain speed, then you should adjust to lift-off gently or jsut use the elevator. once in flight use VTOL to adjust attitude to your needs. On landing ease the plane down and once on hte ground put VTOL all the way back to ensure maximum friction with the ground.

General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 25.7ft (7.8m)
  • Length 20.7ft (6.3m)
  • Height 8.7ft (2.6m)
  • Empty Weight 6,197lbs (2,810kg)
  • Loaded Weight 7,003lbs (3,176kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 1.07
  • Wing Loading 16.0lbs/ft2 (77.9kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 439.0ft2 (40.8m2)
  • Drag Points 1666


  • Number of Parts 803
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 2,502