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CATI C-61E ''OF''

285 Cosmosaviatoric  9 months ago

Alright first as first I have no idea how this "thing" is able to fly. But it does, somehow.I was just having fun with the P-51 and ended up here, thought it might be nice to share it. I added some unusual stuff to this unusual aircraft.

- 2 axis thrust vectoring, because why not?
-Wing sweep, because why not?
-Tail ECM Pod. (What? Haven't you ever wanted to know what your neighbors are talking about?)
-Retractable canards, retracting them doesn't make flying any better, in fact it makes it worse, but why not add it?
- Taxi Engine (Trim)
-Special " 'aight I'mma head out" mechanism, you never know when (or is?) a surface-to-air missile is headed to your position from a position where it isn't.
-Definitely non-lethal toy gun. You never know when a group of children will attack you with their toy guns, why not join the fun? :]

CONTROLS: (Also written in in-game)
Ag 1: Engine and 2 axis thrust vectoring
Ag 2: Fuel Probe
Ag 3: Carrier Landing Equipment
Ag 4: Lights
Ag 5: Retract canards
Ag 6: Parachute
Ag 7: Uber zuber fancy -seatless- ejection seat.
Ag 8: Gyroscope (do you dare to deactivate it?)
Trim: Taxi Engine
VTOL (up): Wing Sweep

Notes: You will have to use yaw with AG1 during take-off since this creature is quite unstable on the runway. When landing on an aircraft carrier, try landing "gently" , because landing hard pushes the nose down and destroys the propeller (this is why there's a additional gear piece).

Wing sweep is really helpful, especially at speeds faster than 200 kts (IAS). Sweeping them back also increases pitch performance for sure.

The ejection "seat" has no air friction, so, after fleeing the vehicle you can simply go anywhere - in theory.

The non lethal toy gun is attached to the propeller which can be controlled via pitch and yaw, so you can aim it -kinda.

Trust me, give it a try :D And after all, this aircraft was a joke, and it still is. So, what unnecessary features I can also add to this flying... thing, you folks?

General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 55.5ft (16.9m)
  • Length 20.4ft (6.2m)
  • Height 10.9ft (3.3m)
  • Empty Weight 5,324lbs (2,415kg)
  • Loaded Weight 7,107lbs (3,224kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.318
  • Wing Loading 19.6lbs/ft2 (95.7kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 362.5ft2 (33.7m2)
  • Drag Points 948


  • Number of Parts 122
  • Control Surfaces 17
  • Performance Cost 905