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[Protomite Corporation] NanoFlux

15.8k SpicyViper  6.0 years ago

New prototype fighter with a new experimental design, this fighter is designed for mainly air to air combat but it does have a few weapon systems for ground targets. The protomite Corporation has derived from the old KAOS industry as a rival after it had begun to lose battles and is now on a downhill path to defeat, the Protomite Corporation was simply designed for more advanced tech to fight against the A.I. Units for and finally bring the humans out of the path to extinction. This fighter may not have a lot of armor but it does have good maneuverablities in the hands of a skilled pilot.

Ag-2 detaches cleavers without lock on
Ag-3 launches a large bomb out the nose

Ag-7 activates experimental High G pitch flip (part one of instructions: this is to only be used when going straight up and need to make a quick turn around, attempts to use this while turning will result in the loss of control to the aircraft)

(Part two of instructions, extremely important that you read this: to use this experimental feature activate group 7 while the plane is completely level with the horizon, and then quickly pitch upwards and let go once flight path has been changed and deactivate to avoid flight over correction and loss of control, if done correctly your plane will stop mid flight and be slightly sensitive on the Y axis and you must slowly compensate and keep plane forward until the speed catches back up to 500 and then you may proceed at regular tactics)

Energy weapons by SpefyJerbf

p.s. because the High G pitch flip is in experimental stages all I ask is for feedback on its effectiveness and/or ideas you may want attached to this experimental design and I will try to encorporate it.

Thank you if you download this aircraft and comment on any suggestions you may have for the next plane


General Characteristics

  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 54.1ft (16.5m)
  • Length 63.0ft (19.2m)
  • Height 13.8ft (4.2m)
  • Empty Weight 50,398lbs (22,860kg)
  • Loaded Weight 81,194lbs (36,829kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 1.107
  • Wing Loading 202.0lbs/ft2 (986.4kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 401.9ft2 (37.3m2)
  • Drag Points 11400


  • Number of Parts 388
  • Control Surfaces 8
  • Performance Cost 1,749