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SILK-251 Pantteri (Panther) Long-Range Bomber Escort Fighter

5,795 DragonAerotech  8.2 years ago

The Suomi Imperiumi Lentokonetehdas Model 25 began as a turbo-prop powered design but due to the cost of manufacture a single power unit with contra-rotating propellers, identical to that used in the Model 23, was used in its place - able to better capitalize on the 2,000 HP of the LMK (Lentokonemottorii) Ampuhauka VIIa.

While this improved the overall performance of the aircraft it did nothing for its appearance and made it a challenge during take-offs and landings. Its pilots and ground crews very seldom refer to this Long-Range Bomber Escort Fighter by its Pantteri name but rather prefer to call it "Se Karsa" which loosely translates to "The Nose."

While the prototype variant, specifically the SILK-250 eliminated the Turbo-prop propulsion (and the Pantteri's good looks), the SILK-251 has been produced in fair numbers.

A second variant was produced alongside of the SILK-251, the SILK-252, includes two hard points for 250 Lb bombs, rocket or missile armaments. By production end, it is highly likely the SILK-252 will outnumber its SILK-251 cousin.

For takeoff, apply full elevator and 25-33% power and allow it to lift off on its own. Once clear of the runway apply full power and hold on tight - as she pushes the envelope of what a propeller driven aircraft is capable of. She's also quite maneuverable, easily able to dodge missiles and has proven quite adequate at tearing apart the Jet Interceptors of Das Germanishe Luftstreitkräfte and is the mortal enemy to the Bf-133. On landing bleed off speed via flaring after reduction of throttle to 5-10% and when nearing touchdown reduce throttle to zero. Allow the aircraft to come to a hault on its own with VERY little use of the brakes. Many inexperienced pilots wind up damaging their mounts in typical Pilot's Monument fashion sometime during their service.

General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 39.1ft (11.9m)
  • Length 28.7ft (8.8m)
  • Height 13.4ft (4.1m)
  • Empty Weight 3,965lbs (1,798kg)
  • Loaded Weight 7,062lbs (3,203kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.283
  • Wing Loading 21.5lbs/ft2 (105.0kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 328.3ft2 (30.5m2)
  • Drag Points 1434


  • Number of Parts 38
  • Control Surfaces 5
  • Performance Cost 278
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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    Ok so I had put my new Be-133-H3-2 against this ten times for each fighter and what I found is that the Bf-133 won 7-10 times during its trial, mostly from using boom and zoom tactics. The SILK-251 on the other hand won 5 out of ten rounds when I was in control and this was because of its agility. CONCLUSION. The Bf-133 is at heart a energy fighter but when the time called for it, it could keep in a turn with the SILK when it was at high altitude. The Silk's main advantage was its turning rate at high speed but that presents a problem, imagine a pilot in itand he pulls a hard turn at 700mph. The plane would fall out of the sky because the pilot is now jam. Its main weakness is its climb rate and diving speed arnt as great as the Bf-133. In summery, both are great fighters are are equal adversaries but if this was real like the pilot wouldnt be able to take advantage of the SILK's turn rate.

    8.1 years ago
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    @TheOwlAce It isn't? Hmm. I thought it was but then again it has the same powerplant but is heavier so it makes sense. Yeah she's an agile beast. I wanted the escort fighters to be exceptionally agile so that they could be kept close to the bombers and still be able to engage attacking fighters. Sort of how the argument between Galland and Goering went. Goering wanted the fighters deployed to bases in France to stick close to their bombers during the Battle of Britain. The Bf-109 though was not suited to that as it required them to give up their speed advantage when facing the more agile British fighters. Thus when Goering asked Galland what they needed to do as he was commanding, Galland made his classic (sarcastic) retort; "I should like a squadron of Spitfires!"

    Why didn't I post your' name? Why, after my first set of builds was published you unillaterally ended the war. Thus I had this pile of builds I'd made for the war still unposted - thus there wasn't much point in posting your' name. The war was already over~ lol

    8.1 years ago
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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    This isnt as fast as the Bf-133 but is very agile.

    8.1 years ago
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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    @DragonAerotech How come you didnt post my name so I would see these?

    8.1 years ago