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Randell 42F

3,196 Allegro369  one year ago

Yall probably not gonna believe this, but this plane is made by a furry engineer


  • Story

This plane was created in 1989 by Glenn Harrelsson. This plane is way ahead of it's time with a wide range of radar system and high maneuverability (can do cobra, falling leaf, kulbit etc.). He sent his proposal to the Nasionaalvallyrxommedamschelsku (National airforce department) and got rejected 2 times "Hi guys i got an effective, powerful and cheap plane for you" "No" "Pls" "No" "Pls" "Ok". He did 3 evaluations on the plane like the stability, autopilot and engine power. He is a good and experienced engineer who has been working for 27 years and has been trusted by many. Glenn's also a furry hence the fox ears/eyes on the plane, but that doesn't affect the pilot's effectivity. This plane has been proved to be unaffected by any weather conditions and the engines can be improved by rain due to the water turning into steam and adds the mass accelerated and cooling the engine down. It has as thrust vectoring engines which allows more maneuverability. The engines used in this plane uses 2 different engines that weighs and provides the same amount of thrust as one another. The engines used are H-771 (left) and AT-JO 70/45A (right). Both of the engines uses the same fuel but processes it differently and produces different colours. This plane uses Meganium (Ma) as the main material for the plane due to it being 2 times lighter than iron and 3 times harder than iron
This plane is among the top 5 most reliable fighters in Normania and was even observed and approved by the leading king of Normania at the moment, Jansson Karel Saa and the queen Elissa Karel Saa "mhm, yeah, ok" "wow i'm impressed! Top 4 of the most reliable fighters it is!" "Your majesty queen why tf are you here" "actually yes let her do that"

  • Additional Liveries

    1. Verredalt Livery, national colour of Normania. Comonly used in air parades and acrobatic shows.


  1. Fox Livery, used in air maneuvers and acrobatic shows.


The basic dark cream coloured paint is actually a stealth coating and is the default plane colour in Normania.

  • Features

= Afterburners
= Night Vision Lights (That Blue Light In The Cockpit End)
= Thrust Vectoring
= Can Do Cobra Maneuver
= Countermeasures
= Semi Dynamic Ears And Eyes Movement
= 2 Additional Liveries (Verredalt and Fox)

  • Weapons

= 20mm Ver.Grafft A'Ogrov
= 6x 150mm ATAM Vallyrgäydebäum Igna 6

  • Controlls

Throttle 0-100% = Ears Flapping
Throttle 95-100% = Eyes Squinting And Activating Afterburners
AG1 = Arresting Hook
AG2 = Signal Light
AG3 = Night Vision Light
AG4 = Jettison Wing Payload
AG5 = Enable Missiles
AG7 = Enable High Maneuverability Mode

  • How To Do Maneuvers

Activate AG7 and slow down to stall speed. Then you can mess with the plane using roll/pitch/yaw and make cool ace combat maneuvers.

  • How To Fly

Throttle up to 95% and lift off when it reaches the speed of 150 KM/H. Top speed without afterburners is mach 1, top speed with afterburners is mach 2.

  • How To Land

Set throttle between 15-20% and use trim to better stabilize the plane. Stall speed is 200 KM/H.

That's it, tell me if there's a problem...

General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 57.3ft (17.5m)
  • Length 61.1ft (18.6m)
  • Height 11.4ft (3.5m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 11,505lbs (5,218kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 27.541
  • Wing Loading 27.3lbs/ft2 (133.2kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 421.8ft2 (39.2m2)
  • Drag Points 11166


  • Number of Parts 157
  • Control Surfaces 4
  • Performance Cost 912
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  • Profile image
    3,196 Allegro369

    Please forgive my absence for a long time. I've been very busy on irl things

    Pinned one year ago
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    @Allegro369 because its backround radiation

    one year ago
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    3,196 Allegro369

    @XtarsAgency why the hell did the vibe turn into horror?

    one year ago
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    @Allegro369 dont worry, its radioactivity is almost less powerful than background radiation we ALWAYS expirience, and you cannot get away from it, anyway. No hiding...*

    one year ago
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    3,196 Allegro369

    @XtarsAgency Nooo Meganium (Ma) is not radioactive! It's in fact safe to lick (if clean) and does not cause any health hazards

    one year ago
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    @Allegro369 184 or 186
    Those are "Twins" of the island of stability, also, remember this element is slightly radioactive but it is so low in fact that uranium is over ×300,000,000 times more radioactive than that..

    Name it Allgeronium

    one year ago
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    3,196 Allegro369

    @XtarsAgency ok you decide the elemental number then

    one year ago
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    @Allegro369 Greetings, dear sir or madam,

    I must say, the notion of element 119 is an utterly preposterous one. As a learned scholar, I can assure you that the scientific community has yet to discover any evidence of such a hypothetical element.

    Allow me to elaborate further, if I may. The periodic table is a well-established framework that has been meticulously crafted over the course of centuries, and the addition of any new element is a serious matter that requires rigorous scientific experimentation and peer review.

    To claim the existence of an element without any concrete evidence is not only unscientific, but it also goes against the very principles of logic and reason that have guided our understanding of the natural world for centuries.

    Furthermore, the pursuit of scientific knowledge is not a game of idle speculation or wild conjecture. It is a noble and rigorous pursuit that requires a steadfast commitment to the highest standards of intellectual rigor and empirical evidence.

    So, to summarize, the concept of element 119 is nothing more than a fanciful notion, and any claims to its existence must be met with a healthy dose of skepticism and critical thinking. Let us not be swayed by flights of fancy or unsubstantiated claims, but instead, let us continue to pursue the truth with the utmost diligence and dedication.

    Yours sincerely,

    (ChatGPT)ignore this
    Fomahault Coredemshau

    one year ago
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    3,196 Allegro369


    one year ago
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    one year ago
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    3,196 Allegro369

    @XtarsAgency Meganium is special because it's 2 times lighter than iron while being 3 times harder than iron making it good for armour

    one year ago
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    One problem...
    Its cute
    Physically unique
    Please explain what meganium is used

    one year ago
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    3,196 Allegro369

    @ZeroWithSlashedO the radar probably wouldn't be able to detect them since they're small and moving so fast...

    one year ago
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    3,196 Allegro369

    @ZeroWithSlashedO nah it-s just for display, not used for missions

    one year ago
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    that kemomimi is a definite giveaway to it's stealth fr

    one year ago