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7,162 SpiridonDynamics  7 months ago
Auto Credit Based on SpiridonDynamics's Man-portable Standoff Anti air/armour/landing Weapon (MSAW)

Introducing WarBow, a highly capable MANPADS SHORAD system that combines advanced technology with mobility. Equipped with infrared guidance, WarBow offers precise targeting of airborne threats with efficiency and reliability. Designed to be carried and assembled by a team of just three individuals, it ensures quick deployment in various operational scenarios. With an impressive range of 8 kilometers, WarBow provides an extensive defense radius, effectively protecting key installations, infrastructure, and personnel from aerial threats. Count on WarBow to swiftly neutralise enemy aircraft, drones, and cruise missiles, and safeguard your critical assets and forces.

AG1 - Activate system
AG2 - Arm missile

VTOL & Trim to aim at target

General Characteristics


  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 495


  • Number of Parts 29
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 103