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MH-19 Mihewa

4,553 Igorsilvag  one year ago
Auto Credit Based on FlirBlitz's Simple Planes War Challenge United [CHALLENGE OVER]

MH-19 Mihewa

" The MH-19 Mihewa or it's nickname " Sika " it's the First Tank of Zima, it's fast but kinda weak and also has a very ugly design. "

" Created in 1919 by the Government of Zima, it can accommodate up to 3 Crew members but it is still quite cramped as it is quite small compared to other Tank's, it's main gun it's a 60mm Cannon and the secondary gun it's an 7.62mm gun in the front and also it has an very strange feature were any shell that is used it's behind a hatch just like in a gun. And also for being the first tank of Zima the design is very ugly because of that, also it can reach the velocity of 60 Km/h because of its kinda powerful engine, by the way even if the vehicle looks really ugly and not very functional due to design mistakes, it is still quite useful as it can carry a lot of load even if necessary. "

*" Obviously for a first light tank the tank is still somewhat acceptable, and further designs will be created by Zima. "

"Controls: "

" Throttle: Forward and Brake "
" Roll: Left and Right "
" VTOL: Left and Right Turret "
" Trim: Up and Down Barrel "

" Note: A piece of the cannon prevents it from raising or lowering the barrel because it's connected with the main turret "

General Characteristics


  • Wing Loading 840.6lbs/ft2 (4,104.1kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 16.1ft2 (1.5m2)
  • Drag Points 3937


  • Number of Parts 93
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 596